Completion of the SPACE – TIME STRING 37th anniversary volume

The STRING Center started its activity in the new creative year, starting on September 6, 2024, with the topic SPACE – TIME STRING 37. The milestones of the association's anniversary, from October 4 this year, were set. The entire meeting revolved around the presentation made by Alexandru: Artificial Intelligence and

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Atlantykron Academy is a summer school, organized in nature and dedicated to knowledge. For ten days a year, on a wild island in the middle of the Danube, the size of a football stadium, which only becomes friendly during this period, we bring high-performance technologies,

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Science-Fiction Atlantykron 2024 Prose Contest

THE CENTER FOR SCIENCES, FORESIGHT, CREATIVITY AND FICTION – THE STRING CENTER 1987– 2024 ANNOUNCES THE SF LITERARY COMPETITION with the theme: SPACE – TIME, STRING THEORY 1. "Home" papers, maximum 10 pages, are submitted to one of the jury members by on August 6

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Conference "Cultural exchanges between Romania and Korea"

37 years ago, the StrING Hall was established at the Faculty of Energy, of the Bucharest Polytechnic. We reached the fourth generation with him... At that time, it did not even occur to us that the time would come when we would be able to develop relations with countries

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A Fantastic Night for Explorers: "Beyond the Horizon"

The Center for Science, Foresight, Creativity and Fiction, in short the StrING Center, a member organization within the General Assembly of the Bucharest City Youth Foundation (FTMB), supported, on Friday 10 May 2024, at the FTMB headquarters, the project "A FANTASTIC NIGHT FOR EXPLORERS", a project financed by

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THE STRING CENTER – 1987 THE CENTER FOR SCIENCES, FORESIGHT, CREATIVITY AND FICTION was established on October 3, 1987 in the BUCHAREST POLITEHNICA UNIVERSITY, at the Faculty of ENERGY and obtained legal personality on October 6, 1990, carrying out a continuous activity for 36 years.

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StrING Centenary

The String anthology features diverse texts, from fantasy to science fiction, by equally diverse writers. It is a message that is passed down from generation to generation, from those who wrote and published in the 80s (Mihai Grămescu, Aurel Cărășel, etc.),

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Fantasy worlds are not a creation of modern literature; on the contrary, they are part of the first creations of man, when he began to get the taste for stories and mysteries. The fantastic does not only denote a space located beyond the earth, as it would seem

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Song of the Dragonflies

1. — What a dry summer! sighed the boy looking at the red sky, clear as a glass dome. - Yes, the old man agreed. It's terribly hot. They were standing at the edge of the scorched plain. The damned slops stank like hell. Apart from them, none

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