
Atlantykron Academy is a summer school, organized in nature and dedicated to knowledge. For ten days a year, on a wild island in the middle of the Danube, the size of a football stadium, which only becomes friendly during this period, we bring high-performance technologies, brand lecturers, invite virtually, via teleconferences, specialists from all over the world to share their experience with us. Activities during the Atlantykron Academy cover a wide range, from science and culture to art and sports. Over 30 interesting activities take place here, 24 hours a day. Over time, over 10,000 young people and guests have passed through this island, learning from each other.

Atlantikron 1991
History and tradition

In 1990, a small group of young science fiction lovers chose this remote island as an ideal, if wild, place to hold their annual science fiction festival, an opportunity to study and learn from each other. Time passed, conditions changed, but the thirst for knowledge and new experiences remained. After 10 years, the festival turned into a Summer School. The tradition continued, having every year the support of the Government and some non-governmental organizations from around the world.

Over time, over 10,000 guests, participants, organizers have passed through this island. Starting from 1990, Atlantykron was under the tutelage of the Ministry of Youth and Sports and received permanent support and support from several Government Agencies (Ministry of Agriculture through ANIF, National Forestry Authority), from local authorities - Cernavoda City Hall, but also with the help local economic agents.

Among the most important years of the Atlantykron Academy were 1999, when the edition was dedicated to the Total Solar Eclipse, 2001 - when the island hosted Eurocon, the European Science Fiction Convention and 2019 - when the Academy celebrated its 30th anniversary. Atlantykron Academy has hosted, over the years, many personalities, such as the astronaut Dumitru Prunariu, science fiction writers Norman Spinrad (president of the Society of Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of the USA at the time), Joe Haldeman, Robert Sheckley, Alain LeBussy, Ion Hobana , the astronomer Harald Alexandrescu, the artists Ioan Gyury Pascu, Cristian Greţcu, the Barock band, the geneticist Jonathan Cowie, Bridget Willkinson (President of the European Society of Science Fiction), the biologist Alexandru Ecovoiu, Gheorghe Fodoreanu (former president of the National Association of Tourism Agencies), Peter Moon (American writer), naist Nicolae Voiculeţ, etc.
In 2014, the Atlantykron organizing team organized, in partnership with Innovation Travel and the National Tourism Authority, the "Danube, Romania's tourist treasure" conference, which brought together over 300 participants and guests. On the day of the conference, the naist Nicolae Voiculeţ gave a memorable concert.

In 2015, the Atlantykron Academy received, for the 25 years of activity celebrated in 2014, several well-deserved distinctions, such as the nomination granted at the Foreign Policy magazine Gala in the research section together with the "Horia Hulubei" Institute of Nuclear Physics and Engineering, all laureates the Ad Astra 2014 awards and a series of outstanding Romanian researchers from the country and abroad, as well as the nomination granted by Radio Romania Cultural in the "Education and Education" section.

Atlantykron is a wild island, a place that only for ten days a year has fireworks, electricity connection, high-speed Internet for virtual conferences - a science fiction idea in the first editions of the 90s -, large screens on which projected images for the first time from Mars and, last but not least, the conferences held by specialists in the fields of science, culture, art and communication.


  • STRING Center

    Centrul pentru Ştiinţe, Prospectivă(1), Creativitate şi Ficţiune denumit pe scurt Centrul STRING(2), este o asociaţie fără scop patrimonial, a cercetătorilor din domeniul ştiinţelor tehnice şi umaniste, ştiinţelor prospective şi viitorologiei, creativităţii, inventicii şi inovării, a creatorilor şi publiciştilor de science-fiction din rândul pasionaţilor acestor domenii. C.S.P.C.F. are o durată de funcţionare nelimitată şi asigură cadrul legal organizatoric necesar pentru tinerii şi adulţii interesaţi de lărgirea şi aprofundarea cunoştinţelor din domeniile: ştiinţelor de frontieră şi ale complexităţii, creaţiei literare şi artistice, dezvoltării şi stimulării creativităţii, imaginaţiei şi inventivităţii în sfera cercetării şi inovării. C.S.P.C.F. are drept scop afirmarea şi protejarea intereselor creatorilor din domeniile: ştiinţă, artă, science-fiction, politic-fiction, a cercetătorilor ştiinţifici şi ai fanilor, membri şi ai altor asociaţii de profil. Totodată asociaţia se ocupă cu educaţia formală sau nonformală a tinerei generaţii având ca rezultat integrarea acesteia în societate şi eliminarea tendinţelor de excluziune socială pe criterii de vârstă sau pregătire. Centrul STRING îşi propune să elaboreze proiecte la nivel naţional, european dar şi internaţional. În cadrul C.S.P.C.F. funcționează următoarele compartimente: – Laboratorul de ştiinţe prospective (studii, analize, sinteze, experimente - forme şi secţiuni de aur, etc.; – Laborator IT; – Club Art’SF (teatru, plastică, design, vestimentaţia viitorului, alte forme; – Cenaclul „STRING” (Redacţia revistei STRING). – Cine’SF (creaţie - videoclipuri, filme, documentare, vizionare). – Clubul Muzica STRING-ului (compoziţie, interpretare muzica vocală, instrumentală, danstring, drum up). CSPCF, apărut oficial în Octombrie 1990, având ca precursor Cenaclul STRING înfiinţat în 1987 în Universitatea Politehnica București, facilitează membrilor săi accesul la cele mai noi informaţii şi practici din ştiinţă şi tehnică, literatură şi artă, religie, mediu şi ecologie, energie - bioenergie, terapii alternative şi complementare. Denumirea uzuală a organizației este: CENTRUL STRING (1) ştiinţă având ca obiect cauzele tehnice, economice şi sociale care accelerează dezvoltarea lumii moderne, precum şi prevederea situaţiilor care pot decurge din influenţele lor conjugate. V. futurologie. [< fr. prospective]. Dicţionarul explicativ al limbii romane - DEX ‘98 referitor la viitor, la evoluţia viitoare a societăţii prin analiza unor factori şi tendinţe actuale. Dimensiune prospectivă. – engl. prospective. Dicţionar de neologisme - DN 1. cercetare sistematică a viitorului, pornind de la analiza influenţei conjugale a cauzelor de ordin tehnic, Ştiinţific, economic etc. 2. (p. ext.) atitudine ideologică, politică, culturală etc., mod de gândire şi acţiune cu caracter previzional, orientat spre explorarea viitorului. (< fr. prospectif, /II/ prospective) (2) Teoria STRINGurilor.

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