Adriana Mihaela Macsut (born in Craiova on December 30, 1967) has two degrees in physics and Catholic theology, a master's degree in biblical exegesis, and her doctorate is in philosophy (she became a doctor of philosophy in 2013, and her doctoral thesis was entitled Doxa in the conception to Plato, was published in 2019 with a research grant at the Lumen Publishing House). He has published research papers indexed in international databases and participated in national and international conferences. As a teenager he attended glider courses. He worked as a field journalist and acted in a horror film (The Ritual) and stage plays. She is a volunteer trained in first aid at the Bucharest-Ilfov Ambulance Service and believes that her vocation in life is to be a philosophical counselor, that is, to help people discover who they are in their lives and what their vocation in life is. He entered the world of science fiction (fandom) in 1989, when he won the Jury Prize (awarded by Ramuri magazine; the prize-winning work, Nostalgie, appeared in Ramuri magazine) at the Henri Coandă Cenacl Days in Craiova. He participated in several editions of the Atlantykron futurology camp, as well as in meetings of science fiction councils in the country and in national and international philosophy conferences. He also published a story in the String Anthology 35 years and it is mentioned by the critic Liviu Antonesei in An anthology of SF literature from Craiova.

Exploring the universe through mythology

Introducere: metoda de studiu este științifică, dar Mitul și Mitologia nu sunt teorii științifice Tema în mișcare. Istoric, definire și clasificare: Miturile rituale, Miturile originii, Miturile unui cult, Miturile de prestigiu, Miturile escatologice, Miturile sociale, Miturile memoriale, Miturile fenomenologice, Miturile cosmografice, Miturile transcendentale;

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