Cristian Ghica was born in 1973 and lives in Bucharest. He debuted with poetry in professional magazines and published three books of poems, The most beautiful poem (Art Creativ, 2014), Istoria iubirii (Art Creativ, 2016) and Nezeu lives on the block (Junimea, 2016). He published the novels ROCKescu (2014) and Şmecher cu carte (Junimea, 2017). In 2017, his volume of short prose, Mesajul sretreului, was published, as a prize won at a literary creation contest held in Râmnicu Sărat. He is passionate about science fiction literature.


I haven't hurt anyone before. And I don't even know if I can. I will find out. It all started with a child. Who is having children today? Money for consultations, ultrasounds, money for doctors, nurses, money for nutritional supplements with names

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