Ovidiu Bufnilă publishes essays about the philosophy of veiling, image, communication and relationship and fictions in magazines and publications from Romania and abroad: Business Woman, Cronica, Tribuna, Magazin, Magazin Internaţional, Literary Romania, Cronica Română, Ateneu, Literary Conversations, String, Nautilius , Paradox, Helion, Sunday newspaper, Contrapunct, Student opinion, Dialog, SF journal, Supernova, Universe, Fantastic Magazin, Vatra, Arc, ArtPanorama, Image journal, Bacău newspaper, Eng, Awakening, Science and Technology, Last Hour , Monitorul de Bacău, Telegraf, Libertatea, Luceafarul, Manager Club, Journal of Image, Orientations, Fiction Omnibooks, Curentul, Calende, Agora, Argus, National Curierul, Taj Mahal (India), The Blooter (USA), Unigranrio (Brazil) , Darklava (Italy), The View From Here (USA), etc.

STRING 12 Magazine

CEAȚA DIN 14 NOIEMBRIE Oamenii mării au venit să ne salveze. Ne-au adus câte un combinezon ignifug și câte un trident. Barulles a zis că n-o să fie nici un război și că oamenii focului nu vor îndrăzni să ne atace. Șeful portului

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Moreaugarin's Crusade

Ibhib, the gunner of Longville, roused me from the lair. A week's worth of weather swept through the catacombs of Beauburg. He asked about me left and right. He got into trouble by messing around with some bat-men. He groped them and drank their blood. The wrestler! On

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