The Pierry Group, established in December 2022, made up of Pia (b. 30 May 1976), graduate of Hyperion University, Faculty of Political Sciences, majoring in Law; Graduated in Law, specialized in Forensic Medicine; Ery (b. November 14, 1974), graduate of "Titu Maiorescu" University, Faculty of Political Sciences, majoring in Law; Bachelor of Law, specialized in General Theory of Law; and Pie (b. June 15, 2001), graduate of Hyperion University, Faculty of Social, Human and Natural Sciences, Department of Letters and Foreign Languages, Romanian Language and Literature - A Foreign Language and Literature (Japanese); Graduated in Letters and Foreign Languages, specialized in Romanian Language and Literature - A Foreign Language and Literature (Japanese). Authors of the volumes Dream stories for children with dichis. Volume 1 - The Mystery of the Holy Nights and Small Compendium: 20 questions and answers about lawyers and clients, organizers of literary-artistic events, promoters of the Manifesto movement and the literary-artistic movement Imaginoinspirationism.

Exploring the aquatic world

Brief history of exploration, from the dawn of mankind to the present: Oceanography, Marine biology, Underwater geology, Underwater archaeology, Underwater mapping, Underwater technologies Notable achievements – successes of human exploration in the aquatic domain: Underwater flora and fauna, Unique life forms , Vestiges of

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