Robert David was born on July 11, 1973 in Boldești-Scăieni, Prahova county. He graduated from the Faculty of Automation and Computers, Computers section, within the Politehnica University of Bucharest in 1996. He published the volumes War of the Parallel Worlds, ed. Liternet 2002 and The Twin Towers, ed. Omnibooks 2003. He was scientific editor of String magazine and editor-in-chief of String, Satelit-String and Imagikon magazines. He published editorials and opinion articles in Romania Liberă, Cotidianul, Ziua, Jurnalul Național, Capital. He has published short prose in magazines and anthologies, such as Magazin, Jurnalul SF, Anticipația, String, Artpanorama, Cronica Română, Arca Îmblânzitorilor de Fantasme, Romania SF 2001, Nautilus. The stories written by Robert David have been translated into Hungarian or English and published by the magazines Galaktika (in Hungary) or AntipodeanSF (in Australia).

The Twin Towers

People like mystery. They like to get into games they don't understand. In the unfolding of events from which I can gain something or come out with the satisfaction that good triumphs over evil. Strangeness sharpens the senses. The stories of shy heroes who destroy enemies

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