Exploring the aquatic world

A brief history of the field of exploration, from the dawn of mankind to the present: Oceanography, Marine Biology, Underwater Geology, Underwater Archaeology, Underwater Mapping, Underwater Technologies

Notable achievements – successes of human exploration in the aquatic domain: Underwater flora and fauna, Unique life forms, Vestiges of human civilization, Famous shipwrecks, Underwater cities and ruins, Underwater drilling, Cable trunks and pipelines, Underwater exploration and research, Underwater warfare, Hydrokinetic energy, Underwater rescue and intervention

Exemplary stories: 20,000 leagues under the sea, the submarines Turtle and Nautilus, Silent World și The Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau, The Abyss, Monstrul din Loch Ness

Portrait gallery: Sylvia Earle, the ocean explorer

Exploration through Imaginary/Speculative Fiction: 20.000 de leghe sub mări, The Abyss, Sphere, Waterworld, The Shape of Water, Aquaman

Unclear hypotheses, conspiracies, mysteries; controversial theories about aquatic exploration: Atlantis and the Mystery of the Sunken Realm, Bermuda Triangle, Unusual Sea Creatures, Underwater Archaeological Discoveries, Alien Oceans

Perspective: Education and Awareness, Responsible Underwater Tourism, Virtual and Augmented Reality, Studies of Marine Life in Extreme Environments, Use of Genetic Technologies, Autonomous Underwater Robots, Exploration of Untouched Areas, Space Exploration of Subterranean Oceans


  • The Pierry Group

    The Pierry Group, established in December 2022, made up of Pia (b. 30 May 1976), graduate of Hyperion University, Faculty of Political Sciences, majoring in Law; Graduated in Law, specialized in Forensic Medicine; Ery (b. November 14, 1974), graduate of "Titu Maiorescu" University, Faculty of Political Sciences, majoring in Law; Bachelor of Law, specialized in General Theory of Law; and Pie (b. June 15, 2001), graduate of Hyperion University, Faculty of Social, Human and Natural Sciences, Department of Letters and Foreign Languages, Romanian Language and Literature - A Foreign Language and Literature (Japanese); Graduated in Letters and Foreign Languages, specialized in Romanian Language and Literature - A Foreign Language and Literature (Japanese). Authors of the volumes Dream stories for children with dichis. Volume 1 - The Mystery of the Holy Nights and Small Compendium: 20 questions and answers about lawyers and clients, organizers of literary-artistic events, promoters of the Manifesto movement and the literary-artistic movement Imaginoinspirationism.

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