
Să ne bucurăm și să celebrăm EXPLORAREA, cea care duce civilizația noastră înainte. Misterele științei ne oferă o perspectivă asupra vastității Universului și a complexității naturii, iar investigarea frontierelor necunoscute și găsirea unor răspunsuri ne provoacă să ne gândim la locul nostru în

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A Fantastic Night for Explorers: "Beyond the Horizon"

The Center for Science, Foresight, Creativity and Fiction, in short the StrING Center, a member organization within the General Assembly of the Bucharest City Youth Foundation (FTMB), supported, on Friday 10 May 2024, at the FTMB headquarters, the project "A FANTASTIC NIGHT FOR EXPLORERS", a project financed by

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StrING Centenary

The String anthology features diverse texts, from fantasy to science fiction, by equally diverse writers. It is a message that is passed down from generation to generation, from those who wrote and published in the 80s (Mihai Grămescu, Aurel Cărășel, etc.),

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Fantasy worlds are not a creation of modern literature; on the contrary, they are part of the first creations of man, when he began to get the taste for stories and mysteries. The fantastic does not only denote a space located beyond the earth, as it would seem

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Song of the Dragonflies

1. — What a dry summer! sighed the boy looking at the red sky, clear as a glass dome. - Yes, the old man agreed. It's terribly hot. They were standing at the edge of the scorched plain. The damned slops stank like hell. Apart from them, none

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Aguirre, Wrath of the Gods…

The furious lapping of the waters almost drowned out the sounds of the rainforest. And yet Lopes de Guatemuz's startled ears seemed to catch, beyond the long thin leaves of the crown-trees, the call of the female black leopard. The man scratches the back of his neck protected by

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Laborious procurement of food...

The riders had stopped on the ridge, looking at the long worm of the caravan that dragged heavily through the dust. Then one of the soldiers let out a sharp, piercing cry. Aydin turned his head towards him. "What happened, Mehmet?" - Look to the right, Effendi. Someone is coming. sipahi

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Moreaugarin's Crusade

Ibhib, the gunner of Longville, roused me from the lair. A week's worth of weather swept through the catacombs of Beauburg. He asked about me left and right. He got into trouble by messing around with some bat-men. He groped them and drank their blood. The wrestler! On

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The Twin Towers

People like mystery. They like to get into games they don't understand. In the unfolding of events from which I can gain something or come out with the satisfaction that good triumphs over evil. Strangeness sharpens the senses. The stories of shy heroes who destroy enemies

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Beyond the Lighthouse at the End of the World

The Autistic Blood Vessel glided unheard through the viscous fog. Alexandru Vromihene was trying to maintain his vertical position on the deck, next to the commander of the mercenary troop. Behind them, they waited motionless, wrapped in black robes that covered their entire bodies. They had fired

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