Science-Fiction Atlantykron 2024 Prose Contest

THE CENTER FOR SCIENCES, FORESIGHT, CREATIVITY AND FICTION – THE STRING CENTER 1987– 2024 ANNOUNCES THE SF LITERARY COMPETITION with the theme: SPACE – TIME, STRING THEORY 1. "Home" papers, maximum 10 pages, are submitted to one of the jury members by on August 6

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StrING Centenary

The String anthology features diverse texts, from fantasy to science fiction, by equally diverse writers. It is a message that is passed down from generation to generation, from those who wrote and published in the 80s (Mihai Grămescu, Aurel Cărășel, etc.),

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Beyond the horizon

A foray into the anthropology of human exploration 1. Introduction / Dr. Eugen Dan CADARU 2. Exploration of the terrestrial world / Elena ARMENESCU, writer 3. Exploration of the aquatic world / PIERRY 4. Exploration of the underground world / Dr. Adrian URZICĂ 5. Exploration of space / Dr. Eng. Ciprian-Gabriel CHISEGA-NEGRILĂ 6. Exploring human becoming /

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Whether you have an appetite for myth and wonder, or want to see science from the laboratory spilling over into accessible culture, we hope this book will give you a window into the big world waiting to be discovered…

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Exploring the terrestrial world

Introduction: ANTHROPOLOGY and EXPLORATION Great Geographical Discoveries: Viking Age, Period of Great Voyages, Pre-Columbian America, Far East, Who Discovered the North Pole, Who Discovered the South Pole Portrait Gallery: Historical Character, Background, Martyrs of Exploration Notable Achievements: Great Discoveries geographical, Discoveries and inventions

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Exploring the aquatic world

Brief history of exploration, from the dawn of mankind to the present: Oceanography, Marine biology, Underwater geology, Underwater archaeology, Underwater mapping, Underwater technologies Notable achievements – successes of human exploration in the aquatic domain: Underwater flora and fauna, Unique life forms , Vestiges of

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Exploring the underworld

History: exploration and use of underground spaces Earth's structure: core, mantle, crust Notable achievements: salt mining, exploitation of "black gold" (petroleum), emergence of offshore drilling, natural gas, geothermal energy, drilling for thermal waters, highlighting of deposits of various useful minerals, drinking water

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