Exploring the development and evolution of life on Earth

The emergence of life or prebiotic evolution: geological eras, the emergence of life on Earth is staged, the emergence from the waters and the conquest of the terrestrial environment was a major stage in the evolution of the biosphere The great biological crises: Extinctions and the disappearance of some life forms: Classification of organisms: Botanical nomenclature: Fauna :

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Exploring the laws of nature

Introduction: What is this world? How did she appear? What exactly is it made of? How does it work? Will it ever end? If so, in what way? History: Mathematics, Astronomy, Earth Sciences, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Trans-disciplinary Contributions Notable Achievements: 5000 years of progress of

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Exploration through technical creativity

History: first tools, fire, neolithic revolution, irrigation, navigation, invention of writing, iron, gunpowder, windmill, compass, mechanical clock, drawings and sketches for machines, printing press, steam engine, railways, steamship , photography, the reaper, the telegraph, the telephone, the internal combustion engine, lighting

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Exploring the universe through Artificial Intelligence

History: intelligent automata (Talos), artificial beings (Galatea and Pandora), Ars Magna, a universal calculus of reasoning (the alphabet of human thought), the concept of "utility", the foundations of Bayes' theorem, artificial neural networks (the perceptron), Game Theory , Intelligent Machinery report, Hebbian learning, Turing test, First working AI programs;

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Exploring the universe through mythology

Introduction: the method of study is scientific, but Myth and Mythology are not scientific theories Theme in motion. History, definition and classification: Ritual myths, Origin myths, Cult myths, Prestige myths, Eschatological myths, Social myths, Memorial myths, Phenomenological myths, Cosmographic myths, Transcendental myths;

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Exploring Ancient Alien Mythology

Asia: Împăratul Galben, Dragoni, Pietrele Dropa, Vimana, Brahmastra, Templul Kailasa, Arkhaim, Sculptura Shigir, Anunnaki, Ziguratul, Tăblițele Mul Apin, Battery din Bagdad, Cartea lui Enoch, Chivotul, Carul lui Ezechiel Africa: Piramidele din Giza, Papirusul Tulli Europa: Atlantida, Povestea lui Talos Romania: Zalmoxis, Kogaionon, Ielele

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Exploring unusual phenomena

Paranormal Activities: Parapsychology, Psychokinetic Phenomena (PK), Visions and Apparitions Analysis of Unexplained Events: Cosmic Repeated Radio Signals (FRB); Noises, sounds, without an identified source; The unexplained appearance of megaliths in the most unexpected places on the planet Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs): Some characteristics

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Exploring dreams and the subconscious

Brief history: Indo-European community, Persians with trained professionals called magus, Mesopotamians, Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, India, Middle Ages period, emergence of psychoanalysis, neuroscience of dreams Notable achievements: stages of sleep and types of dreams identified, discovery of cognitive functions of dreams, methods for inducing and

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Exploring our roots

Intentions and method: The genetic structure of the population of Romania: The Paleolithic: "Old Europe": The arrival of the Indo-Europeans: The Iron Age and the Celtic influence: Paradigms of history: Invasions of the steppe populations: Burebista and Decebal: Roman Dacia: Free Dacians and Goths: Slavic rule and Bulgarian: The Coming of the Hungarians: The Foundation of the Romanian Principalities: The Education

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A journey to the world beyond Complexity

A New View of the Universe is Born: Complexity Science, Geocomplexity and Biocomplexity, GAIA Model, Noosphere, Astro-Geophysical Perspective, Biological Perspective, Spiritual Perspective, Information-Energy-Matter, New Conceptual Resources About a Science of Complexity: 2021 Map of Complexity Sciences From information to… Information: matter (“condensed” energy)

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