Exploring plant organisms
Plants, botany, agronomy, history: the plant kingdom, the study of plants, flora, botany, agronomy, economic and utilitarian purposes, exotic plants
Primary adaptation to terrestrial life: abundant light, carbon dioxide, reproduction
Circulation of genetic information: biparental breeding system by cross fertilization, uniparental breeding system by selfing, uniparental breeding system without fertilization
Plant diseases: infectious diseases and non-infectious (physiological) diseases, plant protection, parasitism, saprophytic plants
Movement in plants: positive and negative tropism; gravitropism, phototropism, heliotropism, hydrotropism, thigmotropism, thigmonasia
The intelligence of plants: "planet of plants", intelligence, research, memory and learning, cooperation between plants, permaculture
Agriculture and food crises: major crops, food crises of 2008 and 2011, agronomic knowledge, legislation, water and air pollution, perennial wheat, wild edible plants
Urban agriculture: urban farms and gardens, green energy
The ocean and the plants: edible marine plants, seaweed species; Wolffia species, water meal
Seed banks:
The botanical gardens:
Landscape architecture:
Plants in outer space: