Exploring the universe through mythology

Introduction: the method of study is scientific, but Myth and Mythology are not scientific theories

Theme in motion. History, definition and classification: Ritual myths, Origin myths, Cult myths, Prestige myths, Eschatological myths, Social myths, Memorial myths, Phenomenological myths, Cosmographic myths, Transcendental myths; Cosmogonic Myths, Anthropogonic Myths, Theogonic Myths, Etiological Myths, Fundamental Myths, Moral Myths, Eschatological Myths, Creation Myth, Mother Myth, Father Myth, Fantastic Creatures

Notable achievements, exemplary stories and exploration through the imaginary: Prometheus and fire, Narcissus and Echo, Scylla and Charybdis, Perseus and Medusa, The Tragedy of Sisyphus, Orpheus and Eurydice, Icarus (considered the first glider) and Daedalus (considered the first ancient architect), Oedipus, the Amazons, the abduction of Persephone; Thracians, Samurai, Apache Indians, Lost Tribes of the Amazon, African Maasai, Maoris, Eskimos, Tibetans, Eurodives, Dervishes, Crusaders; Socrates, Confucius, Alexander the Great, Caesar, Attila, Gingis Khan, Augustine, Robin Hood, Marco Polo, Montezuma, Leonardo Da Vinci, Dimitrie Cantemir, Rasputin; Beautiful Helen of Troy, Jezebel from the Bible, Cleopatra, Delilah, Salome, Witch Medea, Sirens, Sphinx, Hindu Goddess Kali, Karina, Matriarchs, Xena, Amazons, Hypatia, famous queens from history

Gallery of mythological portraits: Greek mythology; Sumerian mythology; Egyptian mythology; Chinese mythology; Japanese mythology; Maori mythology; Native American mythology; Scandinavian mythology; Celtic mythology; the mythology of daco-gets; Thracian mythology; the mythology of the Romans; the creatures present in legends, fables, folklore, mythology; mythological animals; the relationship between myths and natural phenomena of the past

Weird assumptions: all these mythological stories are strange descriptions from the childhood of mankind, therefore strange hypotheses

Perspectives and conclusions: the myth can also be researched under aspect protofilosofic, everyday myths


  • Adriana Mihaela Macsut

    Adriana Mihaela Macsut (born in Craiova on December 30, 1967) has two degrees in physics and Catholic theology, a master's degree in biblical exegesis, and her doctorate is in philosophy (she became a doctor of philosophy in 2013, and her doctoral thesis was entitled Doxa in the conception to Plato, was published in 2019 with a research grant at the Lumen Publishing House). He has published research papers indexed in international databases and participated in national and international conferences. As a teenager he attended glider courses. He worked as a field journalist and acted in a horror film (The Ritual) and stage plays. She is a volunteer trained in first aid at the Bucharest-Ilfov Ambulance Service and believes that her vocation in life is to be a philosophical counselor, that is, to help people discover who they are in their lives and what their vocation in life is. He entered the world of science fiction (fandom) in 1989, when he won the Jury Prize (awarded by Ramuri magazine; the prize-winning work, Nostalgie, appeared in Ramuri magazine) at the Henri Coandă Cenacl Days in Craiova. He participated in several editions of the Atlantykron futurology camp, as well as in meetings of science fiction councils in the country and in national and international philosophy conferences. He also published a story in the String Anthology 35 years and it is mentioned by the critic Liviu Antonesei in An anthology of SF literature from Craiova.

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