Echo of the Strings

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Dear readers *, listeners ** and viewers ***,

Echo of Strings is a fascinating foray into the vastness of the Multiverse, where time, space and destiny are woven into a complex web of vibrational strings that connect all possible realities.

In this universe full of endless choices and possibilities, the Guardians of MaRa and CosTelor navigate extraordinary challenges to protect the cosmic balance. From temporal and spatial destabilization, to confrontations with ancient and enigmatic forces, they explore the limits of existence and collective consciousness.

Each story in the series reveals new layers of the Multiverse, showing how chaos and order, diversity and unity, constantly evolve in a fragile dance. As MaRa and CosTelor confront powerful entities and mysterious phenomena, they learn that destiny is not linear, but an endless web of interconnected choices.

This series invites you to explore realms beyond imagination, where reality itself becomes a living and changing force.

The Author

Knots of Eternity

Broken time

Timpul destrămat

Swirling Space

Spațiul Învolburat

Shadows of the Multiverse

Umbrele Multiversului

Imaginary Multiverses

Multiversuri Imaginare

The New Foundation

Noul Fundament

Generations in Resonance

Generații în Rezonanță

Fracture of Eternity

Fractura Eternității

Shadows of Infinity

Umbrele Nemărginirii

The Vortex of Infinity

Vortexul Infinitului

Knot of the Gods

Nodul Zeilor

Ascension of the Old Creators

Ascensiunea Vechilor Creatori

The Fall of the Knot

Căderea Nodului

Fire of Regeneration

Focul Regenerării

Apex of Silence

Apexul Tăcerii

The Fracture Era

Era Fracturii

The Knot of Paradoxes

Nodul Paradoxurilor

Journeys into Fractured Reality

Călătorii în Realitatea Fracturată

Shadows of the Fractured Future

Umbrele Viitorului Fracturat

The Chronicles of Inverted Resonance

Cronicile Rezonanței Inversate

The Hidden Fragmentation

Fragmentarea Ascunsă

Infinity Freedom Knot

Nodul Libertății Infinitului

Peaks of Collective Consciousness

Vârfurile Conștiinței Colective

The Pulse of Eternity

Pulsul Eternității

Harmony of the Cosmic Storm

Armonia Furtunii Cosmice

Song of Singularities

Cântecul Singularităților

Guardians of Dynamic Creation

Gardienii Creației Dinamice

Shadowing the Eternal Flow

Umbrirea Eternului Flux

Fire of the Immortals

Focul Nemuritorilor

Shadow of the Resurrected Spark

Umbra Scânteii Reînviate

Born of Paradox

Născuți din Paradox

Fracture of Common Reality

Fractura Realității Comune

Confluence of Multiple Destinies

Confluxul Destinelor Multiple

The Storm of Synchronous Destinies

Furtuna Destinelor Sincrone

Shadow of Fractal Truth

Umbra Adevărului Fractal

Dawn of the Multiple Infinity

Zorii Infinitului Multiplu

The Essence of Transient Unity

Esența Unității Trecătoare

Dimension Reborn

Dimensiunea Renăscută

* In the vast Multiverse, where choices and realities intertwine in infinite ways, MaRa and CosTelor, Guardians of the Time Strings, face a series of existential threats that challenge the cosmic balance.

It all begins when Time and Space fall apart, destabilizing the realities of the Multiverse. MaRa and Costelor struggle to stabilize destinies by identifying key points, known as nodes, that are interconnected by fundamental time strings. But during their search, they discover entities that challenge the current order, such as the Fragmentary Shadow, a manifestation of consciousnesses that reject the convergence of destinies.

As they investigate deeper, the two discover a being older than the current order of the Multiverse—the Maker of Cycles. This entity is the very manifestation of the time cycles that had been isolated to allow the Multiverse to evolve in a fluid form. However, MaRa and CosTelor realize that they cannot simply shut this force out of existence. They negotiate a reintegration of cyclicality into the new order, without it destroying the evolution and diversity of destinies.

The series explores how infinity can find harmony in chaos, how choice and destiny are not mutually exclusive, but intertwined in a complex structure of possibilities. By manipulating the strings, MaRa and CoTelor strive to protect the Multiverse from fracturing, but they also learn that true unity can include freedom and diversity—without compromising stability.

Thus, the Guardians witness a new era of the Multiverse, one where constant evolution and old cycles must coexist to prevent chaos and eternal stagnation.

  1. Broken Time
  2. Swirling Space
  3. Shadows of the Multiverse
  4. Imaginary Multiverses
  5. The New Foundation
  6. Generations in Resonance
  7. Fracture of Eternity
  8. Shadows of Infinity
  9. The Vortex of Infinity
  10. Knot of the Gods
  11. Ascension of the Old Creators
  12. The Fall of the Knot
  13. Fire of Regeneration
  14. Apex of Silence
  15. The Fracture Era
  16. The Knot of Paradoxes
  17. Journeys into Fractured Reality
  18. Shadows of the Fractured Future
  19. The Chronicles of Inverted Resonance
  20. The Hidden Fragmentation
  21. Infinity Freedom Knot
  22. Peaks of Collective Consciousness
  23. The Pulse of Eternity
  24. Harmony of the Cosmic Storm
  25. Song of Singularities
  26. Guardians of Dynamic Creation
  27. Shadowing the Eternal Flow
  28. Fire of the Immortals
  29. Shadow of the Resurrected Spark
  30. Born of Paradox
  31. Fracture of Common Reality
  32. Confluence of Multiple Destinies
  33. The Storm of Synchronous Destinies
  34. Shadow of Fractal Truth
  35. Dawn of the Multiple Infinity
  36. The Essence of Transient Unity
  37. Dimension Reborn

** Here is a list of stringed instruments, ordered by typical number of strings, starting with the lowest:

  1. Fiddle – 1 to 3 strings
  2. Erhu – 2 strings
  3. Key harp – 3 to 4 strings
  4. Shamisen – 3 strings
  5. Calamity – 3 strings
  6. Charango – 5 to 10 strings (usually 5 pairs)
  7. Ukulele – 4 strings
  8. Violin – 4 strings
  9. Rape – 4 strings
  10. cello – 4 strings
  11. Double bass – 4 strings (sometimes 5)
  12. Banjo – 4 to 6 strings
  13. Guitar – 6 strings
  14. Electric guitar – 6 strings (7 or 8 for extended range)
  15. Lute – 6 to 15 strings (depending on the type)
  16. Mandolin – 8 strings (4 pairs)
  17. It was destroyed – 6 strings (including melody and drone strings)
  18. Bouzouki – 6 to 8 strings
  19. Tar – 6 strings
  20. Dulcimer – 3 to 5 strings
  21. Gittern – 30 to 40 strings (varies)
  22. Psaltery – 10 to 30 strings (varies)
  23. Veena – 4 main strings + 3 drone strings
  24. Gayageum – 12 strings (some versions with 18 or 21)
  25. Koto – 13 strings (varies, some have 17)
  26. Guzheng – 21 to 25 strings
  27. Sarod – 17 to 25 chords (including sympathetic chords)
  28. Sitar – 18 to 21 strings (7 main + sympathetic)
  29. Pound – 7 to 10 strings
  30. Autoharp – 36 to 37 strings
  31. Harp – 47 strings (concert harp)

The number of strings for some instruments may vary by region or specific instrument model.



  • Born on January 31, 1978, in Bucharest. Diplomate engineer of the "Politehnica" University of Bucharest, Department of Engineering Sciences, Francophone Branch, Electrical Division, specialization "Electrical and computer engineering" (courses in French), in-depth studies in the field of electrical engineering at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in Switzerland ( courses in French and English), postgraduate specialization in pedagogy at the Department for the Training of Teaching Staff of the "Politehnica" University in Bucharest. Doctor of engineering with the qualification "very good" (magna cum laude) in the field of electrical engineering of the "Politehnica" University of Bucharest, Faculty of Electrical Engineering. University teaching staff (preparator, assistant, head of works) for 21 years at the Faculty of Energy, "Politehnica" University of Bucharest and member of the Commission for the Development of Creativity within the Romanian Academy of Scientists (AOSR). Advisor to the Ministry of Education, the National Center for the Recognition and Equivalence of Diplomas since 2007. Member of the General Association of Romanian Engineers (AGIR), of the Association "Scientific Society ICPE" (SS ICPE), of the Center for Sciences, Prospective, Creativity and Fiction (StrING Center) and volunteer within the TROM project.

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