Center for Science, Foresight, Creativity and Fiction
Echo of Primordial Reality
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After the collective ascension and stabilization of the Fire that was transforming the Multiverse, MaRa and CosTelor felt that they had reached a supreme harmony, one that seemed to unite the freedom of each consciousness with the cosmic flow of reality. But, in the depths of existence, a new wave vibrated subtly, like an echo from a forgotten time. It was a call beyond ascension, a sound that seemed to resonate with the origins of the Multiverse itself.
One night, amidst the vibrational maps, MaRa felt that deep vibration, like a memory from a space where nothing they knew had yet been formed. The strings throbbed with an energy of almost painful clarity, and reality seemed to respond to this call, distorting slightly in his presence.
"Something is changing, and this change is coming from a deep level," MaRa said, staring at the maps that were changing before their eyes. “It's as if the entire Multiverse has been touched by an ancient echo from his birth. It seems to be an imprint of a primordial reality.”
Costelor moved closer, analyzing the thongs that vibrated with an unknown frequency. "It is a call from the depths of time. If this vibration originates from the beginning of the Multiverse, then it is possible that we are dealing with the original structure of existence.”
In a split second, all the calm gained after the collective ascension seemed to disappear, leaving in its place a maelstrom of uncertainty. MaRa and CosTelor understood that they were going to step into the unknown, in front of a hidden truth, which had been silently waiting to be rediscovered.
* * *
Their journey took them to the hidden center of the Multiverse, a place called by the ancient entities The Primordial Node. Here, temporal and spatial energies twisted in impossible patterns, merging into a vortex that seemed to contain the very essence of the first reality. As they got closer, they could feel the regular structure of the Multiverse begin to loosen, as if each dimension and reality were a mere reflection of a single origin.
“The Primordial Knot…” MaRa whispered in overwhelming awe. "This is where it all begins and this is where it ends. It is like a cosmic heart, beating and sending echoes through every corner of reality.”
A presence began to manifest around them, like a conscious energy pulsing through every string, as if Primordial reality itself were a being. From a dark corner, the form of this presence began to become clear: a being of light and shadow, imbued with an energy that defied description. It was no ordinary entity; it was a manifestation of the very nature of the Multiverse.
“I am The Primordial Archetype,” the being said, its voice resonating through time and space like a chorus of thousands of overlapping voices. “I am the reflection of the first form of existence, the foundation from which all realities have derived. Your ascension has awakened the memory of the beginning, and now you have been summoned here before the origins.”
Costelor gazed in fascination at this entity that was more than a being—it was a fundamental force. “Why did you show up now? Why did we have to go through ascension to get here?”
The Primordial Archetype it expanded its form, encompassing the entire Knot, and the thongs vibrated with an intensity that seemed to shatter the stillness. "The ascension was only the first step. You understand that evolution and individuality must coexist, but these are but manifestations of origins. Every being, every reality is a spark of primordial energy. To maintain harmony, the Multiverse must be reconnected to its original source.”
MaRa felt that the words archetype they hid an extraordinary challenge. “If we disconnect from this source… the Multiverse will destabilize, losing connection to the essence of existence. But what does it mean to reconnect? Must we submit every destiny to this origin?”
The Primordial Archetype it bubbled gently, its light flickering like an old sun. "Not by submission, but by understanding. If the Multiverse will understand this origin, there will be no more fear, conflict or resistance. Each destiny, each consciousness will find harmony by returning to its essence. You must connect the strings to the Primordial Knot and allow all of reality to reach this state.”
Costelor understood the magnitude of such a task. “If we manage to do that, it means that the very nature of the Multiverse will change. Choices and destinies will become part of this primordial flow. But what if there are consciences that refuse this change?”
archetype he answered, in a deep silence: “The nature of origin cannot be imposed, but neither can it be denied. Those who do not accept will follow their path to entropy, gradually disappearing into the darkness that exists outside the Primordial Knot.”
MaRa and CosTelor knew they had no choice. They had the duty to give every reality, every consciousness, the opportunity to reconnect to the primordial essence.
* * *
The two Guardians returned to the Multiverse, where the energy of the Primordial Knot pulsed through all strings, calling consciousnesses to the origin. They began to communicate this truth to every entity, explaining the primordial nature of the Multiverse and giving every consciousness the opportunity to join in this essential unity.
Reacțiile variară. Pentru unii, această unificare era o eliberare, o regăsire a adevăratei naturi. Alții se temeau de pierderea autonomiei și de disoluția în ceva mai complex decât propria ființă. Rezistența și scepticismul erau profunde, darThe Primordial Archetype had made it clear: The Multiverse could not remain fragmented far from its own origin.
As more and more beings chose to reconnect, the fabric of the Multiverse began to vibrate in a new harmony. MaRa and Costelor could feel the change—the strings were aligning, creating a web that reverberated with the energy of the Primordial Knot. This was a reality that transcended time and space, a Multiverse that was at once individual and collective.
But at the edge of the Multiverse, a group refuses to reconnect. The Lost of Shadow, a faction of entities that saw this Node as a trap, retreated deeper and deeper into their own realities. They wanted complete separation from this primordial grid and were building energy barriers to stay out of the cosmic flow.
MaRa meets the leaders of this group in a dark and isolated dimension. their leader, Karash, Apprentice of Nothing, he looked at her with a defiant coldness.
"We will not obey your origin," Karash said. "We are created from the darkness between the worlds, not from the light. Reconnecting would destroy who we are.”
MaRa, with deep understanding, answered him: “The origin is not light or darkness; it's both and neither. It is a field of possibilities that can encompass all aspects of existence. Reconnecting isn't about losing who you are, it's about understanding where you really come from."
Karash looked troubled by her words, but remained determined. "We will not give in. If the Primordial Knot wants to absorb us, then we will be the spark that defies eternity.”
Finally, MaRa understood that some will never choose to reconnect. Upon returning to the center of the Multiverse, along with CosTelor and The Primordial Archetype, they established protective barriers to allow those who chose separation to go their own way without destabilizing the unified structure.
Thus, the Multiverse stabilized into a different harmony, one that included the paradox of separation and unity, creating a cosmic web that allowed all existence to coexist. In front of the Primordial Knot, MaRa and CosTelor beheld a reborn reality, one in which each entity had the freedom to live on the edge of existence or in its heart.
Multiversul, acum reconectat cu propria sa origine, devenise mai stabil, mai mare și mai divers ca niciodată. Așa cum voia Nodul Primordial, armonia realității includea și ecourile îndepărtate ale alegerilor nesupuse.
Born on January 31, 1978, in Bucharest. Diplomate engineer of the "Politehnica" University of Bucharest, Department of Engineering Sciences, Francophone Branch, Electrical Division, specialization "Electrical and computer engineering" (courses in French), in-depth studies in the field of electrical engineering at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in Switzerland ( courses in French and English), postgraduate specialization in pedagogy at the Department for the Training of Teaching Staff of the "Politehnica" University in Bucharest. Doctor of engineering with the qualification "very good" (magna cum laude) in the field of electrical engineering of the "Politehnica" University of Bucharest, Faculty of Electrical Engineering. University teaching staff (preparator, assistant, head of works) for 21 years at the Faculty of Energy, "Politehnica" University of Bucharest and member of the Commission for the Development of Creativity within the Romanian Academy of Scientists (AOSR). Advisor to the Ministry of Education, the National Center for the Recognition and Equivalence of Diplomas since 2007. Member of the General Association of Romanian Engineers (AGIR), of the Association "Scientific Society ICPE" (SS ICPE), of the Center for Sciences, Prospective, Creativity and Fiction (StrING Center) and volunteer within the TROM project.