Fracture of Eternity

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The universe created by MaRa floated in a state of fluid resonance, a continuous dance between matter and thought, between form and will. New generations, born from thong vibrations, shaped their reality as easily as their breath rippled the space around them. The world that MaRa had designed had become a living place, always in motion, where no moment was identical to another.

MaRa hovered above this cosmic landscape, watching it with a combination of fascination and concern. He could feel the latent power of the new generations growing every day. The youth, who had now reached their full potential, played with the structures of the Universe as children play with sand. The entire space pulsated in chaotic harmony, where everything could be created and destroyed in an instant.

But the balance was fragile.

With each subtle change they made, the Universe began to show signs of instability. Matter fragmented in unpredictable ways, and the strings, those fundamental threads of reality, vibrated more and more chaotically. Each change brought about by the new generations seemed to cause a reverse resonance, a dissonance that threatened to destabilize the entire Cosmos.

CosTelor, who had stood by MaRa since the beginning of this new era, approached in silence. His eyes, once filled with certainty, were now clouded with doubt.

"MaRa, we cannot control what we have unleashed," he said in a voice that echoed through infinite space. "The new generations don't see the danger. Their power grows, but their wisdom does not keep pace.”

MaRa sighed deeply. He knew he was right. Creating a Universe based on total freedom and unlimited creativity seemed, at first, a utopian dream. But now he saw the effects of this freedom. Each individual shaped their reality in a unique way, and the interactions between these personal worlds had become increasingly chaotic.

"We can't back down," MaRa said. "We cannot take from them what we have given them. This universe is no longer just ours."

CosTelor looked down, as if he felt the weight of a heavy decision. "But if we do nothing, the risk of collapse becomes greater. Strings become unstable. A small error could cause a… fracture.”

MaRa looked up at the expanse of their Universe, where galaxies could be seen transforming in the blink of an eye, planets being born and disappearing in fractions of a second. A faint but steady sound began to echo in her consciousness, like a distant echo of a universe on the verge of collapse.

"The fracture," MaRa murmured, her eyes wide. “A rupture in the very essence of time and space. If the strings continue to vibrate in this dissonant harmony, it is not just our Universe that will be affected. It will start to break down at a fundamental level. And this dissonance… will reverberate through the Multiverse.”

CosTelor looked at her with understanding, but also with fear. "Our eternity is fragile. The fracture could be a point of no return.”

The fracture had begun.

Without warning, a deep tremor shook the entire Universe. The space around them began to ripple, like a canvas pierced by an invisible force. A beam of incandescent light sliced ​​through the sky, splitting a portion of space-time in two. In the next moment, the matter around the fracture began to disappear, absorbed into an abyss of non-existence.

MaRa and CosTelor felt the vibration through every fiber of their being. An immense energy was being drained from the Universe, as if reality itself had been swallowed by an invisible black hole. The fracture was more than a disruption—it was a break in the very fundamental structure of the thongs.

"We must act now!" MaRa shouted, her eyes sparkling with a new intensity. "Fracture is not just a consequence of dissonance. It's a collapse of the entire web of strings that supports reality."

As MaRa and CoTelor moved towards the center of the rift, the Universe around them became increasingly unstable. New generations that once seemed invincible were facing their own limits. Their creative power, which had allowed them to shape matter, had now become a trap. Every attempt to restore order seemed to amplify the chaos. The fracture absorbed the energy of each intervention, increasing in intensity.

MaRa knew that the only way to stop this collapse was to access a fundamental vibration, one that could realign the strings to their original state of harmony. But this was a dangerous task. If he was wrong by even a tiny fraction, the entire Universe could be swallowed up by the fracture, and there would be no turning back.

With a swift movement, he opened a channel to the core of the Universe, where the strings entwined in a multidimensional web. CosTelor watched her silently, knowing that what she was trying to do was almost impossible.

"There is no time for hesitation," MaRa said, her hands placed over the energy core of the Universe. "If we don't find the right resonance, everything will fall apart."

At that moment, you feel the right vibe. It was a subtle frequency, one that belonged to neither the new nor the old generations. It was a hidden harmony born of their very collective existence, a perfect balance between creation and destruction. MaRa synchronized her thoughts with this vibration and began to project it into the strings of the Universe.

For a moment, everything seemed to stop. The rift, which had swallowed up matter and energy with unstoppable force, began to contract. The strings around her aligned, and reality began to stabilize.

But in that apparent silence, MaRa felt another echo. An echo from another dimension, a parallel reality. The fracture had not been just a local event. It had been a signal for something much larger, much more dangerous.

The alternate universes, bound by their own strings, had begun to resonate with their fracture. The web of strings that had once connected only their Universe now seemed to reach other dimensions as well. And each of them was beginning to be drawn to the dissonance.

"It won't stop there," MaRa whispered. "The rift will cross the Multiverse."

CosTelor, aware of what was being prepared, looked at her with sad eyes. "The Fracture of Eternity. It's not just our Universe that's in danger. All realities will be affected.”

MaRa clenched her hands, feeling the weight of responsibility weighing heavily on her shoulders. Before them lay not only the salvation or destruction of their own Universe, but the very salvation of the Multiverse.

"We can't stop here," she said with determination in her voice. "It's not just our universe that depends on us. We will travel beyond these borders. We will find the rift in the other dimensions and close it before all is lost.”

Costelor agreed, knowing that what was coming was the greatest test they would ever face. Their journey through the Multiverse had only just begun, and the echo of the strings reverberated beyond their understanding.

Reality was no longer just a constant. Now, it was a battlefield of resonance and the will of every consciousness fighting for its existence.

The Fracture of Eternity awaited them.


  • Born on January 31, 1978, in Bucharest. Diplomate engineer of the "Politehnica" University of Bucharest, Department of Engineering Sciences, Francophone Branch, Electrical Division, specialization "Electrical and computer engineering" (courses in French), in-depth studies in the field of electrical engineering at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in Switzerland ( courses in French and English), postgraduate specialization in pedagogy at the Department for the Training of Teaching Staff of the "Politehnica" University in Bucharest. Doctor of engineering with the qualification "very good" (magna cum laude) in the field of electrical engineering of the "Politehnica" University of Bucharest, Faculty of Electrical Engineering. University teaching staff (preparator, assistant, head of works) for 21 years at the Faculty of Energy, "Politehnica" University of Bucharest and member of the Commission for the Development of Creativity within the Romanian Academy of Scientists (AOSR). Advisor to the Ministry of Education, the National Center for the Recognition and Equivalence of Diplomas since 2007. Member of the General Association of Romanian Engineers (AGIR), of the Association "Scientific Society ICPE" (SS ICPE), of the Center for Sciences, Prospective, Creativity and Fiction (StrING Center) and volunteer within the TROM project.

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