Center for Science, Foresight, Creativity and Fiction
The Throbbing of the Cosmic Essence
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After the establishment The Veil of Endless Time, MaRa and CosTelor sensed that the Multiverse had reached an unprecedented level of balance. Time, space and consciousness coexisted in delicate harmony, each destiny flowing freely but protected by the eternal flow of existence. However, deep down the Guardians knew that evolution never stops and that each new harmony opens the way to further mysteries.
One quiet evening, as MaRa contemplated the energy maps of the Multiverse, she felt a subtle, almost imperceptible vibration that seemed to come from beyond the known boundaries of reality. It was like a distant call, a shudder that seeped through the fabric of the thong and reverberated into the very essence of existence.
"CosTelor, do you feel it too?" she asked him, not taking her eyes off the maps. "It's like a pulsation that comes from beyond anything I've ever known."
CosTelor moves closer and focuses his attention on the vibrations. "Yes, it is something different. It seems to come from outside our Multiverse, if such a thing is possible. As if the cosmic essence itself is trying to communicate with us.”
The two Guardians realized that this sensation could not be ignored. If there was anything beyond the boundaries of the Multiverse, then this was uncharted territory for them to explore.
* * *
Their journey took them to the very edges of reality, where the strings began to fade and where the Veil of Endless Time reached its end point. Here, in the absolute silence of non-existence, MaRa and CosTelor discovered a sliver of pure light, floating in the infinite void.
As they approached, the light began to take shape, transforming into an entity of immeasurable beauty, composed of pure energy and consciousness untouched by any limitation.
"Welcome, String Guardians," the entity said, in a voice that seemed to be the very vibration of existence. “I am The Cosmic Essence, the source from which all Multiverses were born. You have come to the edge of your reality because you are ready to understand the ultimate truth.”
MaRa and CosTelor were overwhelmed by the presence of this being. "Cosmic Essence… are you the source of all things?" MaRa asked with a trembling voice.
"Yes," Essence confirmed. “From me sprang all the Multiverses, each with its own laws and realities. You have demonstrated that you are capable of understanding and protecting the balance of your own existence. Now, the time has come for you to decide if you are ready to join the universal cosmic consciousness.”
Costelor looked to MaRa, looking for answers. “What does that mean? Shall we join the universal cosmic consciousness?”
The Cosmic Essence smiled with a warmth that warmed their souls. “It means to transcend the limitations of a single Multiverse and become Guardians of all existence. To expand your consciousness to encompass all possibilities, all realities, and contribute to the continued evolution of all things.”
MaRa felt a mixture of excitement and fear. “But what will happen to our Multiverse? With the beings and destinies we have protected so far?”
„Multiversul vostru va continua să existe și să evolueze,” răspunse Esența. „Dar fără voi ca Gardieni direcți. Rolul vostru va fi mult mai complex, influențând și ghidând nu doar un singur univers, ci întreaga țesătură a existenței.”
* * *
The two Guardians had a difficult decision to make. By accepting this new responsibility, they would be leaving the role they knew and entering an entirely new sphere of existence. But by refusing, he might have missed the opportunity to contribute to a much deeper level of reality.
After a period of deep reflection, MaRa spoke decisively. “We accept your challenge. If that means contributing to the ultimate good of all existence, we are ready to expand our consciousness.”
Costelor agreed, his gaze showing determination. "We are ready to become Cosmic Guardians."
The Cosmic Essence approaches and envelops them in a blinding light. In that moment, MaRa and CosTelor felt their beings expand, transcending physical and temporal boundaries, connecting to every particle of existence. They were now part of the cosmic fabric itself, able to perceive and influence realities beyond imagination.
* * *
În noua lor stare de existență, MaRa și CosTelor descoperiră că există nenumărate Multiversuri, fiecare cu proprii Gardieni, unele în armonie, altele în conflict. Responsabilitatea lor era acum să faciliteze comunicarea și echilibrul între aceste realități, să prevină coliziunile și să promoveze evoluția colectivă.
As they explored these new dimensions, they sensed the presence of a powerful dissonance. In a distant Multiverse, a Guardian known as Kael, the Barrier Breaker, was trying to destroy the boundaries between realities, threatening the stability of all existence.
"We have to intervene," MaRa said, sensing the gravity of the situation. "Kael's actions could have catastrophic consequences for all of the Multiverse."
CosTelor approves. "But we cannot act alone. We need the cooperation of other Cosmic Guardians.”
* * *
Convening a council of Cosmic Guardians, MaRa and CosTelor exposed the threat posed by Kael. Together, they hatch a plan to restore balance. They did not want to destroy Kael, but to help him understand the consequences of his actions and integrate him into cosmic harmony.
When they confronted Kael, he looked defiant. “Why maintain these barriers? Why not allow all realities to merge into one, perfect one?”
MaRa answered him gently. "Because the beauty of existence lies in the diversity and individuality of each reality. Forced unification would lead to chaos and destruction, not perfection.”
After some intense debate, Kael began to understand. With the help of the Guardians, he channels his desire for unification in a constructive way, helping to create harmonious links between the Multiverses without destroying their identity.
* * *
În urma acestui eveniment, MaRa și CosTelor realizau că noul lor rol era esențial pentru menținerea echilibrului la un nivel mult mai mare decât și-ar fi imaginat vreodată. Ei deveniseră nu doar Gardieni ai Stringurilor, ci și arhitecți ai armoniei cosmice.
In the infinite vastness of existence, the two now watched over all realities, ensuring that every destiny, every possibility, and every consciousness had its place in the cosmic symphony. They knew that the challenges would never end, but they were ready to face them, guided by the wisdom and experience gained.
Thus, Echo of the Strings it continued to reverberate through eternity, carrying with it the story of the Guardians who chose to transcend the limits of knowledge and become protectors of all existence.
Born on January 31, 1978, in Bucharest. Diplomate engineer of the "Politehnica" University of Bucharest, Department of Engineering Sciences, Francophone Branch, Electrical Division, specialization "Electrical and computer engineering" (courses in French), in-depth studies in the field of electrical engineering at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in Switzerland ( courses in French and English), postgraduate specialization in pedagogy at the Department for the Training of Teaching Staff of the "Politehnica" University in Bucharest. Doctor of engineering with the qualification "very good" (magna cum laude) in the field of electrical engineering of the "Politehnica" University of Bucharest, Faculty of Electrical Engineering. University teaching staff (preparator, assistant, head of works) for 21 years at the Faculty of Energy, "Politehnica" University of Bucharest and member of the Commission for the Development of Creativity within the Romanian Academy of Scientists (AOSR). Advisor to the Ministry of Education, the National Center for the Recognition and Equivalence of Diplomas since 2007. Member of the General Association of Romanian Engineers (AGIR), of the Association "Scientific Society ICPE" (SS ICPE), of the Center for Sciences, Prospective, Creativity and Fiction (StrING Center) and volunteer within the TROM project.