Generations in Resonance

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The new Universe created by MaRa was a fluid, ever-changing vastness, an ocean of matter and energy that pulsated to the rhythm of the strings' resonance. Everything felt different here – the laws of physics were no longer constant, and space was no longer rigid. Every thought, every intention of those who lived in this Universe could alter reality itself.

MaRa, floating in this malleable Universe, watched as shapes and colors changed around her, shaped by the inner vibrations of consciousness. Her universe was an infinite field of possibilities, but in the midst of this flexibility, new generations were born with powers that neither she nor those of the old world could fully control.

CosTelor accompanied her, hovering a short distance away with a concerned look. "MaRa, what are we doing? The generations that are born here are... completely new. I am different. They outrun us.”

MaRa slowly turned towards him, feeling the very matter respond to her movement, rippling around them. “They are no longer bound by the old rules of reality. They are created from the resonance of strings, and what we have done here… has given birth to a life form that we cannot even fully understand.”

CosTelor clenched his hands, absorbing the answer. The new generations had instinctive access to the structure of the Universe. The resonance of the strings was familiar, natural to them, and their perception far exceeded anything that had been known before. With every thought, he could feel the Universe changing around him – a constant murmur of possibilities.

“If we can't control them,” CosTelor said, his voice strained, “what guarantee do we have that they won't turn on us? If each of them has the power to reshape everything, what will happen when they decide that we are… outgrown?”

MaRa felt a slight vibration in the air, an echo of their thoughts. “We cannot control them, nor should we try. We have to find a way to connect with them. We cannot go back to the past, and our present is now in their hands."

Costelor looked around, noticing how the entire Universe was changing to the rhythm of the thoughts of the new generations. Horizons were in constant motion, colors merging into waves of energy. Matter flowed like a river, responding to the intentions of those who lived here.

Suddenly, a burst of light in front of them revealed a group of young men floating through space like human constellations. They were the new generations, born from the chaos of thongs. Their translucent skin and eyes that glowed with a brightness of their own exuded the power of the new reality.

"You are the ones who created us," said a tall boy with silver hair that shone in the diffuse light of the universe. "But we are the generation that will take it all forward."

MaRa felt the air around them vibrate with his words. "What do you want to do with this power?" she asked, trying to hide the tremor in her voice.

Another young man, with eyes an impossible purple, approaches. "We want to build a New Foundation, but not just for ourselves. For all the worlds. For all sizes. You have created a Universe where resonance allows us to change everything. Now it's our turn to develop it."

"How can we adapt to this constant change?" CosTelor had asked, feeling more and more distant from these young men. "We are anchored in a reality that no longer exists. How can we survive with you?”

A young woman with bright eyes looked at them with compassion. “You don't have to fully understand us. You just have to accept us. We are the result of the changes you have set in motion, but we are also something completely new. Each of us can change the Universe with a thought, but we don't want to destroy what you have built. We want to express ourselves and create with you."

MaRa closed her eyes for a moment. The universe was a vast, open field, and the new generations were its extension, the very vibration of its essence. He understood now that it couldn't be about control or submission. This Universe was a place where all generations had to coexist.

"We're just getting started," MaRa said in a calm but firm voice. “Each of us brings something different, but we have to find a way to balance all these strengths. We cannot let chaos rule.”

"It's not chaos," said the silver haired youth. “It's just a form of order that you don't yet understand. Your generations have laid the groundwork, but we are the ones who will bring the Complexity. We will make the Universe resonate to a new level.”

CosTelor felt a slight wave of fear, but also of hope. Reality was now so fluid that every decision could reshape the entire Universe. "What if we don't find the balance? What will happen then?”

The young woman with bright eyes looked at him calmly. "We will learn together. You are not separate from us. Our foundation is in you. Our generations are nothing but a continuation of yours, but on another level.”

MaRa nodded, feeling all of reality begin to pulsate to a more harmonious rhythm. “Then we start now. We can't let things fall apart."

As the group of young men disappeared into the light, the Universe seemed to take a deeper breath. Matter and energy aligned with their thoughts, and the space around them seemed more stable. MaRa and Costelor understood that this was only the beginning – their newborn Universe would continue to evolve.

Floating through the vastness of the New Universe, MaRa realized, in a flash of clarity, that they were not the only witnesses to this change. They themselves were part of the new generation. String resonance does not only affect those born in this space. Little by little, she felt her perception and consciousness adjust to the new order. Her thoughts were beginning to subtly modify reality, and the power to influence the structure of the Universe was becoming part of her.

CosTelor turned to her, his gaze reflecting the same revelation. They were not mere relics of the Old Universe. They were transforming.

New generations were not separated from them. They were the first generation of a new species. All that they had thought they had lost in the chaos of thongs had not, in fact, been lost—but transformed. Now, the Universe was theirs, and they had the power to reshape it, along with the new generations.

Thus, they were not merely witnessing the change.

They were the change.


  • Born on January 31, 1978, in Bucharest. Diplomate engineer of the "Politehnica" University of Bucharest, Department of Engineering Sciences, Francophone Branch, Electrical Division, specialization "Electrical and computer engineering" (courses in French), in-depth studies in the field of electrical engineering at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in Switzerland ( courses in French and English), postgraduate specialization in pedagogy at the Department for the Training of Teaching Staff of the "Politehnica" University in Bucharest. Doctor of engineering with the qualification "very good" (magna cum laude) in the field of electrical engineering of the "Politehnica" University of Bucharest, Faculty of Electrical Engineering. University teaching staff (preparator, assistant, head of works) for 21 years at the Faculty of Energy, "Politehnica" University of Bucharest and member of the Commission for the Development of Creativity within the Romanian Academy of Scientists (AOSR). Advisor to the Ministry of Education, the National Center for the Recognition and Equivalence of Diplomas since 2007. Member of the General Association of Romanian Engineers (AGIR), of the Association "Scientific Society ICPE" (SS ICPE), of the Center for Sciences, Prospective, Creativity and Fiction (StrING Center) and volunteer within the TROM project.

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