Born of Paradox

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After absorbing the Shadow of the Revived Spark into the two singularities, the quiet that had settled in the Multiverse seemed illusory. MaRa and CosTelor watched carefully, aware that attempts to control the primordial forces of existence were never completely final. Fire and shadow had been separated, but in the depths of the Multiverse, another kind of energy was beginning to take shape, one that obeyed neither known laws nor created balance.

It was a quiet morning when MaRa first felt the vibrations. They weren't powerful, but there was something strange about them—a subtle dissonance that seemed to defy all known laws of cosmic order.

“CosTelor,” MaRa said, a hint of concern in her voice, “it's not just another echo. These vibrations… are unstable in a way that defies any cycle of creation and dissolution. It's something completely new."

Costelor stopped adjusting the string frequencies and felt the disturbance in turn. It was as if the entire fabric of the Multiverse began to vibrate in a way that belonged to neither order nor chaos.

"I am… a paradox," he said quietly. “Something that exists beyond our ordinary cycles, beyond the duality of light and dark. It's like reality is starting to challenge its own laws."

MaRa looked into the multidimensional maps of the strings, noting how an area of ​​the Multiverse was beginning to manifest increasingly intense disturbances. "It's expanding," she said, with growing uneasiness. "If we don't intervene, this paradox could destabilize everything."

* * *

Their journey to the source of the disturbance took them to an unknown region of the Multiverse, where the strings seemed to be caught in a controlled chaos. Every fiber of reality pulsated at a frequency that defied logic—an energy that folded and unfolded in on itself, as if the entire fabric of the cosmos was reconfiguring itself in a completely paradoxical way.

“Look at this,” CosTelor said, pointing to a structure floating in the midst of the chaos—a huge knot that seemed to constantly shift between different forms, never stable, but never completely destroyed.

In the center of that knot, two figures were beginning to take shape. They were neither pure beings of light nor shadow—they were entities that seemed to be made up of contradictions, constantly oscillating between opposite states. Each of them seemed to exist simultaneously in multiple versions of reality, in the same place but in different dimensions.

“They are Born of Paradox,” a deep but distorted voice rang out, as if reality itself was bending under their weight. "We are the result of your attempts to control the uncontrollable. Fire and shadow were separated, but gave birth to us—beings who exist outside your cycles, outside any logic of creation or dissolution.”

MaRa and CosTelor felt the space around them simultaneously contract and expand, as if the presence of these entities forced reality to adjust in impossible ways. "What are you?" MaRa asked, aware of the immense danger these entities posed.

“We are paradox incarnate,” one of the figures answered, oscillating between transparency and opacity. "We are the result of the collision between cosmic order and primordial chaos, between fire and shadow. We were created when you tried to force their separation. We do not exist in the same way that the rest of reality exists—we are beyond any temporal or spatial constraint.”

CosTelor felt the tension rising in the strings of reality. “But what do you want? What are you aiming to do?”

"We desire nothing, in the sense that you understand desire," said the second entity, whose form seemed to distort into an infinite spiral of possibility. “We are the natural state of the Multiverse—a state where paradox is not a flaw, but a perfect balance. Creation and dissolution are only two sides of a much more complex coin. We are that complexity."

MaRa understood the implications with horror. The Paradoxborn did not seek to destroy the Multiverse, but their presence defied all balance. They represented a state in which all possibilities coexisted simultaneously, never ending in a clear reality. This was neither order nor chaos—it was a state of permanent existence, without beginning and without end, in which the cycles of creation and destruction were suspended.

"If you stay here, you will destroy the dynamic balance of the Multiverse," MaRa said. "Everything will become a fractured reality, in which nothing will be able to fully exist."

The first entity laughed, a sound that seemed to vibrate through multiple dimensions. "Exact. This is true balance—a place where nothing is complete, where everything is in constant transition. Why should reality follow a simple line when it can be an infinite tree of possibilities?"

MaRa and CosTelor looked at each other, knowing that a simple solution was not possible. The Paradoxborn could not be removed by force, as their nature defied the very logic of combat. There had to be a way to integrate these entities without destroying the balance they guarded.

"We can't absorb them into the singularities," CosTelor said thoughtfully. "They are too unstable. Any attempt to fix them at one point would end up destroying both the singularity and the structure around it."

MaRa thought about the very nature of the paradox. "Maybe we don't have to eliminate them," she said softly. “Maybe we need to let them exist, but in a controlled way. If we can create a space where they coexist without expanding, a kind of paradoxical knot closed in on itself, we could maintain the balance without destroying them."

Costelor immediately understood the plan. “A temporally and spatially isolated node. A place where all their possibilities coexist but cannot affect the Multiverse outside.”

* * *

Using their deep knowledge of the strings of reality, MaRa and CosTelor began to create a barrier around the Paradox Born. This particular node was not to be a prison, but a space dedicated to paradox itself—a place where their beings could exist without destabilizing the entire cosmos.

The entities observed their attempt but did not oppose it. "Make a place for us, but you know you can't stop the paradox," one of them said as the thongs gathered around them. "We exist outside of any attempt to control ourselves."

"We're not trying to control you," MaRa replied firmly. "We are trying to find a new balance. In a Multiverse based on cycles and transitions, you are another form of existence. But we can't let you ruin everything."

As the barrier formed, the Paradoxborn were absorbed into the new knot. Here, they could exist in their infinity of contradictory states, but without extending beyond the imposed limits. The reality around them began to stabilize, and the vibrations of the thongs gradually calmed down.

MaRa and Costelor looked at the result of their work, aware that their solution was not final, but it was enough for the moment.

"Paradox will always remain a part of the Multiverse," MaRa said. "But we managed to manage it, at least for now."

Costelor looked at the paradoxical knot, where all possibilities coexist without disturbing the dynamic balance. “Yes, but we must be vigilant. Because where there is paradox, there is also the risk that reality will fall apart again."

Thus the Guardians resumed their role, aware that the Multiverse was a place full of mysteries and paradoxes yet to be discovered. They watched, knowing that the balance was always fragile and that the primordial forces were closer than ever to break loose.


  • Born on January 31, 1978, in Bucharest. Diplomate engineer of the "Politehnica" University of Bucharest, Department of Engineering Sciences, Francophone Branch, Electrical Division, specialization "Electrical and computer engineering" (courses in French), in-depth studies in the field of electrical engineering at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in Switzerland ( courses in French and English), postgraduate specialization in pedagogy at the Department for the Training of Teaching Staff of the "Politehnica" University in Bucharest. Doctor of engineering with the qualification "very good" (magna cum laude) in the field of electrical engineering of the "Politehnica" University of Bucharest, Faculty of Electrical Engineering. University teaching staff (preparator, assistant, head of works) for 21 years at the Faculty of Energy, "Politehnica" University of Bucharest and member of the Commission for the Development of Creativity within the Romanian Academy of Scientists (AOSR). Advisor to the Ministry of Education, the National Center for the Recognition and Equivalence of Diplomas since 2007. Member of the General Association of Romanian Engineers (AGIR), of the Association "Scientific Society ICPE" (SS ICPE), of the Center for Sciences, Prospective, Creativity and Fiction (StrING Center) and volunteer within the TROM project.

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