A foray into the anthropology of human exploration

Exploring the laws of nature

Introduction: What is this world? How did she appear? What exactly is it made of? How does it work? Will it ever end? If so, in what way? History: Mathematics, Astronomy, Earth Sciences, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Trans-disciplinary Contributions Notable Achievements: 5000 years of progress of

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Exploration through technical creativity

History: first tools, fire, neolithic revolution, irrigation, navigation, invention of writing, iron, gunpowder, windmill, compass, mechanical clock, drawings and sketches for machines, printing press, steam engine, railways, steamship , photography, the reaper, the telegraph, the telephone, the internal combustion engine, lighting

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Exploring the universe through Artificial Intelligence

History: intelligent automata (Talos), artificial beings (Galatea and Pandora), Ars Magna, a universal calculus of reasoning (the alphabet of human thought), the concept of "utility", the foundations of Bayes' theorem, artificial neural networks (the perceptron), Game Theory , Intelligent Machinery report, Hebbian learning, Turing test, First working AI programs;

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Exploring the universe through mythology

Introduction: the method of study is scientific, but Myth and Mythology are not scientific theories Theme in motion. History, definition and classification: Ritual myths, Origin myths, Cult myths, Prestige myths, Eschatological myths, Social myths, Memorial myths, Phenomenological myths, Cosmographic myths, Transcendental myths;

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Exploring Ancient Alien Mythology

Asia: Împăratul Galben, Dragoni, Pietrele Dropa, Vimana, Brahmastra, Templul Kailasa, Arkhaim, Sculptura Shigir, Anunnaki, Ziguratul, Tăblițele Mul Apin, Battery din Bagdad, Cartea lui Enoch, Chivotul, Carul lui Ezechiel Africa: Piramidele din Giza, Papirusul Tulli Europa: Atlantida, Povestea lui Talos Romania: Zalmoxis, Kogaionon, Ielele

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Exploring unusual phenomena

Paranormal Activities: Parapsychology, Psychokinetic Phenomena (PK), Visions and Apparitions Analysis of Unexplained Events: Cosmic Repeated Radio Signals (FRB); Noises, sounds, without an identified source; The unexplained appearance of megaliths in the most unexpected places on the planet Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs): Some characteristics

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Exploring dreams and the subconscious

Brief history: Indo-European community, Persians with trained professionals called magus, Mesopotamians, Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, India, Middle Ages period, emergence of psychoanalysis, neuroscience of dreams Notable achievements: stages of sleep and types of dreams identified, discovery of cognitive functions of dreams, methods for inducing and

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Exploring our roots

Intentions and method: The genetic structure of the population of Romania: The Paleolithic: "Old Europe": The arrival of the Indo-Europeans: The Iron Age and the Celtic influence: Paradigms of history: Invasions of the steppe populations: Burebista and Decebal: Roman Dacia: Free Dacians and Goths: Slavic rule and Bulgarian: The Coming of the Hungarians: The Foundation of the Romanian Principalities: The Education

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A journey to the world beyond Complexity

A New View of the Universe is Born: Complexity Science, Geocomplexity and Biocomplexity, GAIA Model, Noosphere, Astro-Geophysical Perspective, Biological Perspective, Spiritual Perspective, Information-Energy-Matter, New Conceptual Resources About a Science of Complexity: 2021 Map of Complexity Sciences From information to… Information: matter (“condensed” energy)

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Let's rejoice and celebrate EXPLORATION, which drives our civilization forward. The mysteries of science give us insight into the vastness of the Universe and the complexity of nature, and probing unknown frontiers and finding answers challenge us to think about our place in

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