Shadows of Infinity

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The Fracture of Eternity had not stopped. MaRa and CosTelor had embarked on an unprecedented journey, crossing the barriers between dimensions, seeking to restore balance in the Multiverse. But as they advanced beyond the borders of their Universe, they realized that each reality, each universe that vibrated in the web of strings, hid its own shadows and dissonances. With each dimensional node crossed, a new threat began to reveal itself: the shadows of an unknown force older than any Universe they had yet explored.

The universe they had just left had stabilized, but the echoes of the fracture had spread further than they had imagined. Strings from other dimensions had begun to vibrate chaotically, like wires under tension, and with each passage through a dimensional knot, MaRa felt herself being followed by an invisible presence. Those shadows of the Infinite, as he had come to call them, were manifestations of an entity or consciousness that did not seem to belong to any known Universe.

"Do you feel that?" CosTelor said in a whisper, his eyes trying to penetrate the fluid darkness that surrounded them.

"Yes," MaRa replied, attuning herself to the subtle vibrations in the space in which they floated. "The shadows. They are closer now. With each pass, they become more real."

What MaRa and his team had not yet understood was that the rift they were trying to stop was not simply a consequence of string manipulation, but an event triggered by a power that stretched beyond their Multiverse. A primordial force that sought to regain control over fragmented realities. A force that had once been suppressed, but was now, due to their interference, beginning to come back to life.

Before them, space began to shatter, like a mirror broken by an invisible force. A diffused light emerged from those cracks, curving and turning in on itself, forming a vortex of energy. At the edge of that vortex, shadows loomed, outlining vague and dark silhouettes, beings whose presence seemed to absorb the light and matter around them.

"It's not just a mere manifestation of thongs," MaRa said, feeling every fiber of her being vibrate in the presence of those entities. “They're older than anything I've come across. They are the remains of a lost force.”

Costelor stepped forward, but a wave of energy pushed him back. "What are they?" he asked, his voice shaking slightly. "I do not belong to this Universe, nor to the ones I have crossed."

"No," MaRa replied, her eyes settling on one of the shadows that seemed to take shape. “They are resonances of an entity that existed before the strings were created. They are the Infinite. Beings that were exiled to the fringes of existence when the universes were born out of chaos.”

As he spoke, one of the shadows broke away from the vortex and approached them. With each step, the surrounding reality contorted, as if space and time were compressing around that presence. Her form was vaguely human, but her eyes seemed to be windows to an infinite abyss, a place where the laws of physics ceased to exist.

"Who are you?" MaRa asked as the air around her grew heavy and oppressive. "What do you want from us?"

Shadow raised her hands, and her voice echoed in their minds, not by sound, but by a subtle vibration, like an ancient echo from another reality.

"We are those who existed before time. We are the Shadows of the Infinite. We were exiled beyond the Multiverse when the First Fire created the strings and established order. But you... you opened the gates. You loosened the fabric that kept us out. Now we come to claim what is ours."

MaRa stretched out her hands, trying to feel the thong vibrations around her. The universe itself trembled under the presence of those shadows, and the thongs seemed to give way under their pressure. The rift they had caused had not been just an accident—it had been a gateway, one that had allowed these entities to re-enter known reality.

"We cannot allow you to destabilize reality," MaRa said, with a firmness she felt deep in her soul. “I created this Universe to be a place of creation and harmony. Not for chaos.”

The shadow drew closer and the surrounding space began to dissolve, as if reality was being absorbed into the void from which the entity came.

"You cannot really understand what order is," said Shadow. “You thong-born have only lived in a fragile illusion. Chaos is the beginning and the end. And we come to bring this Boundlessness back.”

At that moment, MaRa understood the true nature of the danger. Each Universe, each reality, had been built on a balance of forces that she and her team were only beginning to understand. The strings, those fundamental threads that held reality together, were only part of a much larger system. And these shadows of the Infinite wanted to destroy that balance, to bring back the primordial state of pure chaos, before the strings were created.

"We can't allow this," MaRa said, feeling every fiber of her being vibrate in sync with the thongs around her. "We are not just spectators in this Universe. We are architects of reality, and that means we have the power to fight.”

Costelor agreed, knowing that a confrontation with an entity that had existed before the cosmic order itself was coming. Together, they synchronized their minds with the vibrations of the thongs and began to create a barrier around them, a resonance that would stabilize the space and stop the advance of the shadows.

"This is just the beginning," Shadow whispered, disappearing into the vortex of energy. "We will be back. The boundless cannot be stopped.”

MaRa and CosTelor were suspended in the middle of the destabilized space, aware that what they had just faced was only a prelude to a much bigger battle. The Shadows of Infinity posed a threat far beyond the original rift. These beings, exiled beyond the Multiverse, were returning to bring chaos back into the Universe.

"We'll find a solution," MaRa said, looking at Costelor with new determination. "We cannot let these shadows destroy what we have created."

Costelor nods, but a shadow of doubt crosses his gaze. "But what if the order we have established is just another form of chaos? What if our fight against them makes us part of the Endless in the end?”

MaRa smiled, a tired but hopeful smile. "Then we will create a new balance. We will learn to live between chaos and order. Between shadows and light."

As they set out for the next dimensional node, they knew their future was uncertain, but their conviction was clear: the shadows of the Infinite would not be allowed to swallow reality without a fight.


  • Born on January 31, 1978, in Bucharest. Diplomate engineer of the "Politehnica" University of Bucharest, Department of Engineering Sciences, Francophone Branch, Electrical Division, specialization "Electrical and computer engineering" (courses in French), in-depth studies in the field of electrical engineering at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in Switzerland ( courses in French and English), postgraduate specialization in pedagogy at the Department for the Training of Teaching Staff of the "Politehnica" University in Bucharest. Doctor of engineering with the qualification "very good" (magna cum laude) in the field of electrical engineering of the "Politehnica" University of Bucharest, Faculty of Electrical Engineering. University teaching staff (preparator, assistant, head of works) for 21 years at the Faculty of Energy, "Politehnica" University of Bucharest and member of the Commission for the Development of Creativity within the Romanian Academy of Scientists (AOSR). Advisor to the Ministry of Education, the National Center for the Recognition and Equivalence of Diplomas since 2007. Member of the General Association of Romanian Engineers (AGIR), of the Association "Scientific Society ICPE" (SS ICPE), of the Center for Sciences, Prospective, Creativity and Fiction (StrING Center) and volunteer within the TROM project.

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