The Fracture Era

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Following the confrontation between the Fire of Regeneration and the Apex of Silence, the Multiverse had stabilized, but not without undergoing profound transformations. MaRa and CosTelor, now guardians of a completely reshaped reality, felt that the universes they protected were different from the ones they had once known. The new flows of energy created by the interaction of Silence and Fire had given birth to a reality that pulsated between creation and annihilation. Order, chaos and silence now merged into a symphony of fine vibrations, almost impossible to control.

MaRa contemplated the Knot, which was now more fluid, more complex. The strings had been stretched to their limits, and the unstable balance they had established after the fusion of the two fundamental forces seemed to hold, but not without constant tension.

"We are on the threshold of a new reality," MaRa said, her brooding tone hiding a deep concern.

CosTelor stood beside her, his eyes keenly following the vibrations of the thongs as they pulsated in an ever-changing web. “But how long can we maintain this balance? And more importantly, what happens to realities that cannot adapt?”

MaRa was silent, aware of the painful truth in his words. Although they had witnessed the birth of a new kind of existence, many of the parallel realities could not support such a change. The more fragile universes had already been fractured, split between zones of uncontrolled creation and absolute silence, destroyed or transformed into an intermediate state where neither matter nor energy existed in known forms.

"It was the Fracture," MaRa murmured, naming the state the Multiverse was in now. "Time and space no longer have the same rules, and we no longer fully understand what we have created."

At the edge of their perception, a new force was beginning to take shape. MaRa and CosTelor had felt the change in the strings—some kind of discordant vibration, but it did not come from within the Knot. It was an external influence, a consciousness that used chaos and silence for its own purposes.

"Do you feel that?" MaRa asked, her eyes fixed on a point in the cosmic distance. "We are not the only ones who have adapted to the new order. Something else has woken up.”

CosTelor clenched his hands, feeling the same uneasiness. "Something or someone is taking advantage of the Fracture."

Before MaRa could respond, a wave of energy shot through the thongs, momentarily destabilizing them. An entire section of the Multiverse vanished as if it had never existed. In its place, there was a vacuum of absolute silence, in which even the thong vibrations could no longer be detected.

"This is no accident," said CosTelor, alarmed. "Someone is manipulating these forces against us."

"And I know how to do it," MaRa added, her voice growing graver. “Only someone who fully understood Fire and Silence could manipulate thongs like this. The question is… who?”

Together, they set out to investigate the destabilized area. As they approached the source of that anomaly, reality began to become more and more diffuse, as if the very nature of the universe was in flux. They were trying to keep the strings under control, but it was as if an invisible adversary with deep knowledge of the structure of the Multiverse was destabilizing everything from the shadows.

At the edge of this fractured zone, MaRa and CosTelor encountered something completely unexpected: another consciousness, shining like a dark star. It was not an ancient entity, not a remnant of the Old Creators or the Fire of Regeneration, but a new form of existence, born of the recent collision of creation and silence.

"Who are you?" MaRa asked, sensing that this presence was not just a passive witness to the transformation, but an active force.

Consciousness answered in a tone that was both calm and menacing. "I am Fracture. I was created from the tension between Fire and Silence, born from a reality that did not adapt. I am your product. But unlike you, I don't need a balance. Chaos and silence are my tools, and crumbling realities become my food.”

MaRa felt a cold shiver down her spine. The Fracture was not merely a consequence of the changes they had made, but an entity that had taken advantage of the instability created, becoming something entirely new, an agent of simultaneous destruction and rebirth.

"You can't destroy everything," CosTelor said, iron determination in his voice. "The knot and thongs will hold."

Fracture laughed and the reality around them trembled slightly. “I don't need to destroy everything. I will create enough fractures to rewrite reality in my form. Every universe you consume through Fire or absorb through Silence strengthens me.”

MaRa realized the huge danger. Fracture was not only surviving in this new cosmic ecosystem, but was using it to become increasingly powerful. Each collapsed reality gave him more energy.

"We have to stop him now," MaRa said, feeling the strings around them being subtly manipulated by Fractura. "We can no longer afford to let realities dissolve. Every collapse of a dimension gives it more power.”

CosTelor agreed and together they tried to stabilize the thongs that had been destabilized. But Fractura was quick and subtle, managing to take control of the vibrations much faster than they expected.

"You can't win," Fractura said coldly. “I am born of chaos and silence. Any attempt at stabilization is just a postponement."

MaRa knew she couldn't win a straight fight. The fracture was a product of the tension they created. But there was another way, one that even Fractura could not anticipate.

"Then we'll do the unexpected," MaRa said, preparing to make a decision that defied all logic.

"What do you want to do?" CosTelor asked, looking at her with uncertain eyes.

MaRa gave him a small smile, then focused on the thong. Instead of trying to stabilize them, he began to manipulate them in a new way, contorting them and mixing the vibrations of chaos and silence in a form impossible to anticipate. It creates a new resonance, a pattern unknown to both Fire and Silence. This was not creation, nor destruction, but a way of weaving the two into an emergent form of energy, one that defied the logic of the Multiverse as they knew it.

In a burst of light, the Fracture began to destabilize. He could not control this new energy, one that obeyed neither the rules of the old chaos nor those of silence. Instead of strengthening him, this new vibration weakened him.

"What… what did you do?" Fractura asked in a desperate voice.

"We have created a new form of resonance," MaRa said with sharp calm. "One that is not based on the destruction or absorption of realities, but on their interconnection in a way that neither chaos nor silence can exist separately."

The fracture tried to fight, but was unable to adapt. In a final cry of rage, he collapses, consumed by his own contradictions.

When all quieted down, MaRa and CosTelor stood in silence, staring at a Multiverse that, though weakened, was beginning to stabilize into an entirely new form.

“I've created something new again,” MaRa said, looking at the strings that now vibrated in a fragile but completely different balance than before.

"The question is," CosTelor adds, "what other forces have we awakened in the process?"

MaRa was silent. He knew their affair was far from over. In the Age of Fracture, each victory brought new challenges, and each transformation opened doors to the unknown. But despite the uncertainties, they were prepared to watch over this new balance, hoping that the strings would hold up in the face of what was to come.

And so the echo of the thongs continued to vibrate, calling to new horizons, where neither chaos nor order reigned alone, but intertwined in a dynamic and uncertain form.


  • Born on January 31, 1978, in Bucharest. Diplomate engineer of the "Politehnica" University of Bucharest, Department of Engineering Sciences, Francophone Branch, Electrical Division, specialization "Electrical and computer engineering" (courses in French), in-depth studies in the field of electrical engineering at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in Switzerland ( courses in French and English), postgraduate specialization in pedagogy at the Department for the Training of Teaching Staff of the "Politehnica" University in Bucharest. Doctor of engineering with the qualification "very good" (magna cum laude) in the field of electrical engineering of the "Politehnica" University of Bucharest, Faculty of Electrical Engineering. University teaching staff (preparator, assistant, head of works) for 21 years at the Faculty of Energy, "Politehnica" University of Bucharest and member of the Commission for the Development of Creativity within the Romanian Academy of Scientists (AOSR). Advisor to the Ministry of Education, the National Center for the Recognition and Equivalence of Diplomas since 2007. Member of the General Association of Romanian Engineers (AGIR), of the Association "Scientific Society ICPE" (SS ICPE), of the Center for Sciences, Prospective, Creativity and Fiction (StrING Center) and volunteer within the TROM project.

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