Fracture of Common Reality

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After MaRa and CosTelor isolated the Paradoxborn in an isolated node where all possibilities coexisted without destabilizing the Multiverse, peace seemed to be restored. But, they knew that such a solution was only temporary. Deep in the cosmos, forces that defied the known laws of reality continued to evolve, and the fragile balance created seemed to be merely a postponement of a much greater crisis.

It was a quiet morning in the central hub of the Multiverse when MaRa and CosTelor first sensed a subtle, almost imperceptible change in the cosmic fabric. It was something different from the usual dissonances. It was as if reality itself was losing its coherence, and the strings that held everything in balance were beginning to loosen.

"Do you feel that?" MaRa asked, her eyes fixed on the energy maps that showed a growing distortion in a far corner of the Multiverse.

Costelor nodded gravely. "It's a fluctuation. But not like the ones we've faced before. That seems to come from an area that shouldn't be affected by paradoxes. It seems... structural. Like reality is falling apart."

This new discovery was disturbing. If reality itself was beginning to fracture, for no apparent reason, it meant that their balance was far more precarious than they had thought. But what was even worse was that the fracture didn't seem to be the result of any outside force—it seemed to come from within the fabric of the Multiverse.

* * *

Their journey through dimensions takes them to a familiar but completely changed area. The area that was once stable, where the strings vibrated in harmony, now seemed disintegrated. Reality around them fluctuated chaotically, as if all the known rules of time and space were falling apart under an invisible pressure.

“This is the epicenter,” MaRa said, staring intently at a vortex of energy that seemed to twist in the void. "Reality is collapsing, but we can't see what's causing it."

CoTelor stared at the disorganized thongs floating in the cosmic air. "It seems to be a distortion related to the interaction of several dimensions at once. I've never seen anything like it. Normally, the dimensions coexist in relative balance, but here…they collide violently.”

Amidst the chaos, a shape began to take shape. It was not an entity, but an anomaly of sorts, a void in the fabric of reality that seemed to absorb everything around it. This was no mere dimensional distortion—it was a deep rift, a point of intersection between realities that should never have met.

"This is a Common Reality Fracture," MaRa said, her voice shaking. “A place where alternate dimensions collide and mix in a dangerous way. If this phenomenon expands, it could completely break the coherence of the Multiverse.”

"But how did this come about?" CosTelor asked, studying the anomaly. "None of the known string laws explain such an interaction. It seems to be a consequence of the paradox that I have isolated, but… how could that isolation cause such destabilization?”

MaRa contemplates for a few moments, trying to come up with an explanation. “Perhaps in our attempt to isolate the paradox we have created a new kind of pressure between dimensions. These fractures may be the result of our attempt to force alternate realities to coexist in a way that defies the natural laws of existence.”

The rift in front of them was intensifying, pulling pieces of the surrounding reality into a spiral of chaos. MaRa and Costelor knew they could not let this phenomenon continue. If they didn't act quickly, the entire fabric of the Multiverse would be in danger of total collapse.

"We need to stabilize this rift," MaRa said. “But we can't use conventional methods. If we try to manipulate the thongs in the usual way, we risk making the fracture worse."

CosTelor stared intently at the swirling vortex structure in front of them. "Something tells me the solution isn't just fixing the thongs. We have to find a way to recalibrate them in a way that allows the dimensions to coexist without destroying each other."

MaRa gathers her mental forces, connecting deeply to the vibrations of the strings that made up this region of the Multiverse. In that moment, he had an epiphany: The Shared Reality Fracture was no mere dimensional collision. It was a space where each alternate reality began to contain itself and the others in an unstable form of overlap. The solution was not to separate them, but to find a way to harmonize them, to let them align without destroying each other.

"Remember how I created the node for the Paradoxborn?" MaRa asked. “I used a temporal and spatial knot to contain the infinite possibilities. If we can apply the same principle here, but on a larger scale, we could stabilize the fracture and prevent it from spreading."

Costs immediately understood. "We need a fine recalibration of the strings around the fracture so that each reality finds its own space within this interaction without destructively overlapping."

* * *

Time was limited. As the rift widened, MaRa and CosTelor worked together to manipulate the strings around the vortex. Instead of trying to stop the interaction, they were creating an energy field that would allow the dimensions to coexist without interfering. It was as if they were redrawing the map of reality, allowing each dimension to settle into its own place, but without completely separating.

The fracture began to stabilize. The alternate realities that had previously clashed and melded chaotically were now beginning to align harmoniously, like pieces of a cosmic puzzle. Instead of being destroyed by the collision, each dimension found its place in the larger scheme of the Multiverse.

"It works," MaRa said, breathing a sigh of relief. "We were able to harmonize them."

Costelor observed the vortex shrink and stabilize, becoming a new energy node where alternate realities coexisted without conflict. "I learned that the Multiverse is not just a chain of parallel realities," he said. "It is a complex web of interactions that must be managed carefully. Each reality needs its own place, but at the same time, they must be able to interact without destroying each other."

* * *

In the quiet that had settled after the fracture was stabilized, MaRa and CosTelor reflected on the harsh lesson they had learned. Reality was far more fragile and interconnected than they had thought. The forces they watched over were not just simple cycles of creation and dissolution. They were a complex web of paradoxes, interactions and overlaps.

"This is just the beginning," MaRa said, looking off into the distance. "The multiverse continues to evolve in a way that we are only now beginning to understand."

CosTelor approves. "Yes. We must be prepared for what comes next. Fractures will continue to occur, and we must be ready to manage them. Each interaction between dimensions will bring us closer to fully understanding the Multiverse.”

Thus, the Guardians resumed their vigilance, aware that each new discovery revealed another layer of reality—a layer full of possibilities, but also of unexpected dangers.


  • Born on January 31, 1978, in Bucharest. Diplomate engineer of the "Politehnica" University of Bucharest, Department of Engineering Sciences, Francophone Branch, Electrical Division, specialization "Electrical and computer engineering" (courses in French), in-depth studies in the field of electrical engineering at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in Switzerland ( courses in French and English), postgraduate specialization in pedagogy at the Department for the Training of Teaching Staff of the "Politehnica" University in Bucharest. Doctor of engineering with the qualification "very good" (magna cum laude) in the field of electrical engineering of the "Politehnica" University of Bucharest, Faculty of Electrical Engineering. University teaching staff (preparator, assistant, head of works) for 21 years at the Faculty of Energy, "Politehnica" University of Bucharest and member of the Commission for the Development of Creativity within the Romanian Academy of Scientists (AOSR). Advisor to the Ministry of Education, the National Center for the Recognition and Equivalence of Diplomas since 2007. Member of the General Association of Romanian Engineers (AGIR), of the Association "Scientific Society ICPE" (SS ICPE), of the Center for Sciences, Prospective, Creativity and Fiction (StrING Center) and volunteer within the TROM project.

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