Beyond the horizon
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A foray into the anthropology of human exploration
1. Introduction / Dr. Eugen Dan CADARU
2. Exploring the terrestrial world / Elena ARMENESCU, writer
3. Exploring the aquatic world / PIERRY
4. Exploring the underground world / Dr. Adrian URZICA
5. Space exploration / Dr. Eng. Ciprian-Gabriel CHISEGA-NEGRILĂ
6. Exploring human becoming / Dr. Amalia Gabriela DEACONESS
7. Exploring the animal world / Dr. Eleodor BISTRICEANU
8. Exploring plant organisms / Eng. Lucretia Eugenia BREZEANU
9. Exploring the development and evolution of life on Earth / Eng. Lucretia Eugenia BREZEANU
10. Exploring the laws of nature / Dr. Eugen Dan CADARU
11. Exploration through technical creativity / Dr. Eng. Alexandru-Ionut CHIUTA
12. Exploring the universe through Artificial Intelligence / Dr. Eng. Mihai Alexandru BARBELIAN
13. Exploring the universe through mythology / Dr. Adriana Mihaela MACSUT
14. Exploring Ancient Alien Mythology / Andrei ALEXANDRU
15. Exploring unusual phenomena / Dr. Mihaela MURARU-MANDREA
16. Exploring dreams and the subconscious / Cristina NEGREANU, writer
17. Exploring our roots / Dr. Eng. Dan D. FARCAŞ
18. A journey to the world beyond Complexity / Dr. Eng. Florin MUNTEANU
19. Conclusions / Dr. Eugen Dan CADARU