Liviu Radu was born in Bucharest, on November 20, 1948. He made his literary debut in Quasar magazine in 1992, with the story The Unseen Face of the Planet Mars. He collaborated with publications such as: String, Jurnalul SF, Anticipația, Nautilus, Art Panorama, Lumi Virtuale,, Almanah Anticipația. For his work, he has been rewarded with numerous awards, including the Vladimir Colin Award — 2014, the Galileo Award for the entire work — 2012, the Grand Prize of the Seniors of the Imagination for the Questionnaire for Ladies Who Were Secretaries of Very Decent Men — 2011. He has written and published over 20 volumes, including: Waldemar 1 (Tritonic, 2007), Taravik 1: Armata molilior (Nemira, 2012), Golem, Golem (Nemira, 2014).

STRING 13 Magazine

Între îngeri și efemeride Îngerul m-a sărutat pe obraz Și am simțit căldura iubirii, Pam, pam, pam, pam… Stăteam pe malul lacului, pe-o bancă, la umbră. Priveam apa și fredonam. N-o să mă vindec niciodată de chestia asta. Am o voce de corb,

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Laborious procurement of food...

The riders had stopped on the ridge, looking at the long worm of the caravan that dragged heavily through the dust. Then one of the soldiers let out a sharp, piercing cry. Aydin turned his head towards him. "What happened, Mehmet?" - Look to the right, Effendi. Someone is coming. sipahi

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