Exploring the underworld
Historic: exploring and using underground spaces
The structure of the Earth: the core, the mantle, the earth's crust
Notable achievements: salt mining, the exploitation of "black gold" (oil), the emergence of marine drilling, natural gas, geothermal energy, drilling for thermal waters, the discovery of deposits of various useful minerals, drinking water under the Sahara desert
Portrait gallery: Emil Racoviță, Constantin Beca
Exemplary stories: Cave of Giant Crystals in Naica
Exploration through Imaginary/Speculative Fiction: A journey to the center of the Earth
Weird assumptions: the article series The wall of silence, Pașaport pentru Magonia: de la folclor la farfuriile zburătoare,
glass planet: non-biological hypercivilization, the quartz crystal
conspiracy: Hollow Earth Theory, Edmund Halley, Richard E. Byrd
Communities of Explorers: ASFAN-Romania, STRING Center, ARES Alliance, ICER
UFOlogical Archive from Romania: the establishment of the ufological library