
The 10 poems presented here are part of the volume The abode of the avatars (Editura TORNADA, 2014) Important parts of this volume come from my literary past. I once tried to publish my poems in volumes. Although they were appreciated, even praised — and I give as an example the practice of university professor Marioara GODEANU, one of the most important researchers in the field of biology in our country, who started and ended her classes with my poems — I did not succeed before 1989. All I was able to do was to publish a series of plaques in Luceafărul magazine (starting with 1983), thanks to my soul brother, the poet and maestro Cezar IVĂNESCU and his creation, Cenaclul Numime Poetului, of which I am a member former.

Why did this happen?

Because I wasn't writing poetry "for the country and the regime," according to some editors. The revolution of 1989 found me with the volume of poems Tornado game ready. I had recommendations from the secretary of the "George Călinescu" Literary Cenacle of the Romanian Academy, the writer Ion Potopin, to the Cartea Românească publishing house, from the secretary of the Writers' Union, Ion Hobana, and the Albatros publishing house was preparing to publish a SF anthology in which it was going to publish a part of my volume. One of the editors there was telling me that my poetry was special, that it was unlike any other style of poetry, and that the only solution would be to agree to publish under the SF label.

It is true that in 1987, in the Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest, I founded the StrING Hall, in which I was active a philosophical, scientific and literary dialogue group with sci-fi tendencies. The desire to create an ideal from "knowledge" and to try "a cultural renaissance" constituted for the group the meaning of establishing the cenacle, which we called StrING after "String Theory" (string theory), being fascinated by the possibilities of this theories to consider that the Universe would have ten or twenty-six dimensions and that "everything" would be "vibration". In the literary section of the cenacle, the works created by "stringists" were read and criticized, many of them elaborated under the impression of previous scientific meetings. Among the regular participants were the writers Ion Hobana, Romulus Bărbulescu and George Anania, Mihai Grămescu, professor Dolphi Drimer, physicist Mircea Rusu, researcher Florin Munteanu, students from philology and other Bucharest faculties.

The revolution found its cenacle by posing the problem of publishing its works, as a result of which, in the summer of 1990, I managed to print the first issue of STRING magazine — a magazine of prospective science and science fiction, which by the year 2000 had reached number twenty. All this activity, together with my participation in the meetings of the interdisciplinary study group of the Romanian Committee for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology (CRIFST) of the Romanian Academy, led by the academician Mihai Drăgănescu, with the experiences and discussions with Marioara Godeanu or with many other people from science, writers or philosophers, were the sources of my poetry.

I made my debut at the invitation of the writer Adrian Rogoz, on March 22, 1987, in a meeting of the Cenacle of the Writers' Union, and in the same spring I also obtained a literary prize at the LUCIAN BLAGA Festival, organized in the city of Sebeș. In the autumn of the same year, at the National Convention of Advances, Craiova, I won the prize for poetry awarded by the Union of Writers and the magazine Ramuri and a mention for fine art. But the great gain of my participation in this conference was the meeting with the writer Victor Kernbach, one of the most fascinating people I have met in my life and together with whom I had decided to visit Constantin NOICA. This never happened again... on the day we were supposed to leave for Sibiu, December 4, 1987, Noica left for the Eternal Universe.

After the revolution, I published a book of poetry in English, The Fall in Form (1993), and several pamphlets in French and German (1992). I have published in String, Quasar, Eucronia, etc. Now we have websites: Agonia, Centrul String, Facebook... I have published two volumes of poetry: The abode of the avatars (TORNADA Publishing House, 2014) and HOBBIES (TORNADA Publishing House, 2015). I am preparing the volume Hand in hand with Persephone.


Flowing from a gigantic eye,

the beginning tear,

The ghostly universe lies

extinguished in transparency

the globular form falls

through a designed space

of infernal thinking

of penetration into the essence.


I was beyond imagination.

New forms

under the illumination of the same spectrum,

they gathered us into each other.

I had left it behind

the truth until then;

the concrete no longer lingered with us

and thus the dimension disappears

leaving us Wanderers of eternity.


We were slaves to the unseen harmony.

Be clothed in light

carried in golden litters,

the mirror with endless faces,

knowledge of all lights,

and the emptiness of passing from one side to another.

Burdens were weighing us down

beyond the edge of time.


"A philosopher said this: I think, therefore I exist.


Does it follow that I exist, since I think?

The philosopher therefore had no idea what life is and what non-life is.

I can say: I think therefore I do not exist. Or otherwise: I exist, I don't exist, I keep thinking."

Victor Kernbach (Secret Holidays)

I knew you were in this blooming field by your eye,

demon returned from the plateau of mysteries,

bathed in the flow of time

like lightning in a sea of ​​plasma.

I knew you existed beyond form

in the bundle of waves

magically illuminated by the gerbils of the spectrum

thrown over the abstract, attractive, enslaving being of the world.

I knew how to meet you with the myth of the traveler,

I, transient through form,

through the spaces, the light from always

of this continuous colorful and sad becoming.

I always knew you existed beyond the desolate appearance

through which I was traveling alone,

like light, shed upon all that may be,

over everything that was, over everything that is.


Almost transparent

under a chosen light

we passed bound to each other

with endless threads.

Eyes turned on us

they roamed the cosmos of flesh.

Hatred of outsiders

it didn't reach here

and the silence was complete.

our blood

chlorophyll turned red

carry the sap of the earth through us,

Space Wanderers.

The eternities demanded of us.

We would have liked to linger,

we wanted to leave a mark.

The eternities demanded of us.

At least let's go together.


You were beyond transparent green.

I ran my eyes through the circle and met you.

I'm done not knowing you with this body.

Late I knew it was you.

The riches were with us for every two.

They had to be inventoried during this time as well

we had the mission to divide and study

in the form of population

this area.

We were gifted with attraction

but the time was wrong

with very little

thinking we met

somewhere in the past.


Clay score monitor

we find you in a part of the planet.

through your mouth

the dust was becoming antigravity

pushed by your lungs

to the air burned by unknown elements.

I had found you

even though I had lost my eyes in the dry valley.

Pure space does not allow a meeting at any time.

My thoughts and your thoughts

they were becoming a beaten carpet

across the dry valley bridge.

The gold, the sparkles

illuminated this meeting and

if we were tight

matter in steps,

we would have been treading heavily

over the woven carpet

of our thoughts and

laid over the bridge in the dry valley.


The air was too little for us.

The punishment in which we were caught

it had not been given for life.

I couldn't do the pardon papers

the nerves of the hands would have died,

under this game in which

our bodies were also melting.

The meeting was not given

in the place where I could penetrate

without bodies.

Our fusion will be triumphant.

Forever mixed in others

we can be together

We would have liked the size here,

during this time be,

instead of this planet,

in meat with this structure.


I die.

I bury myself under your eyelid

in the saddest grave

what ever was in the world.

And God will know

that his Universe

the procession of light and love,

fell, captive forever,

in the eye of a Nomad Prince

sent by the shadow of the night to destroy the Light.

I die in your eye

to be reborn a desolating fire,

when you open your eyelid.

And God will know

that he lost himself

and His brightness,

when you let me die

in the eye of a Nomad Prince

sent by the shadow of the night to destroy the Light.

I pass into nothingness

being your gaze of flame

what-trying to scorch the world.

And God will know

that I, His Light

I turned into fire

losing my immortality

in the eye of a Nomad Prince

sent by the shadow of the night to destroy the Light.


The planet is slowly swallowing me

and silver beaks

I keep my parties around.

The dark sphere

resorbs in the viscera

the plagues in me.

I'm trying to stay

to be able to think of you

when I will have a mortal body

when I live by blood

to imagine

that we are another wave

to forget my soft flesh

of fecund stigma.

The planet is slowly swallowing me.


  • Mihaela Muraru-Mândrea

    De profesie jurist și proiectant arhitect, este doctor în științe administrative, specializată în drepturile omului, instituții politice și constituționale, legislație europeană. A fost director, deputat, consilier parlamentar, șef serviciu Drept comunitar la Camera Deputaților. Ca deputat al Partidului Umanist din România, membru în Comisia de revizuire a Constituției din 2003, a amendat Constituția din 1991, introducând în propunerile PUR principiul separației și echilibrului puterilor în stat, iar personal – principiul deconcentrării. Timp de doi ani a fost realizator și moderator al emisiunii Umanismul transformării de la 6TV.RO, propunându-și să publice literatura de sertar acumulată, literatură științifică și beletristică nouă, să-și lanseze tablourile și să evidențieze personalitățile contemporane din diferite domenii. A publicat trei volume de poezie. Pasionată de filosofie, teorie politică, fizică, matematică și poezie, a activat și activează în aceste domenii în cadrul unor grupuri, cenacluri, centre de cercetare, publicând în volume colective numeroase articole, participând la conferințe în țară și străinătate. Este adepta umanismului, dezvoltând o linie proprie: Umanismul Spiritualizat. A înființat în 1987 Cenaclul STRING în Universitatea Politehnică București, la Facultatea de Energetică, care există și astăzi, sub denumirea de Centrul STRING. A înființat revista STRING în 1991 (vezi Dicționar SF, ed. Nemira, 1999, pg. 47, pg. 155, pg. 216). Ca promotor SF, a participat la organizarea fandomului românesc, a FNTSF, a taberei de vară Atlantykron, sprijinind numeroși tineri în activitatea de avangardă. În 1991, a înființat Editura Tornada, urmând pas cu pas sfaturile prietenului său Valentin NICOLAU, care înființa în același timp Editura Nemira. Prima carte publicată de editura Tornada a fost incunabulul Despre vrăjitoare și prezicătoare de Ulric Monitor, tradusă din limba latină, pentru prima oară în România, de Tiberiu Dăioni și Delia Dună, cu un studiu introductiv de Tiberiu Turculeț (vezi: http://demonologia.blogspot.ro/2011/02/despre-vrajitoare-si-prezicatoare-2.html). În prezent, este editor, redactor, scriitor, pictor și în continuare conduce, în calitate de președinte fondator, Centrul StrING, orientându-i activitatea în elaborarea unor volume semnificative pentru gândirea filosofică, științifică și literară contemporană, vizând dezvoltarea unor proiecte de importanță națională, europeană, globală.

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