Fire of the Immortals

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After the temporary defeat of the Shadow of the Eternal Flux, MaRa and CoTelor once again watched over the dynamic balance of the Multiverse, aware of the fragility of each reality and the constant danger of stagnation. The Song of the Singularities continued to ring out, guiding the two Guardians through the endless cycles of creation and dissolution. But somewhere deep in the cosmic fabric, a new force was beginning to stir, an energy that, like the Shadow, had been hidden for far too long.

One quiet night, while adjusting the vibrations of a transitioning reality, MaRa felt an unusual warmth for the first time. It was not a chaotic vibration, no known anomaly. This energy was different—it was alive, pulsating, like a fire burning deep within the Multiverse, waiting to be unleashed.

"Do you feel that?" she asked, turning to CosTelor.

Costelor stopped adjusting and concentrated on the thongs. "Yeah… it's something new. Not a disturbance, but not a normal vibration either. It's like a dormant fire has started to come to life."

As they analyzed the strings more deeply, they discovered a knot of energy they had never encountered before. It was buried deep within the fabric of the Multiverse, but it also seemed to be an essential part of the dynamic flow they were overseeing. Something asleep but beginning to wake up.

"This isn't just another knot," MaRa said with a worried look. "It is an entity. And she's not alone."

CosTelor gravely added, “We have to get there before this fire takes hold. I feel like it's a dangerous energy, one that could destabilize everything we've built."

* * *

Their journey takes them through layers of reality that seem older than anything they know. As they neared the source of the knot, they could feel the cosmic temperature begin to rise, and the vibrations of the thongs became more and more intense. At last they had reached a vast expanse of fire and light—a place where the strings were not merely vehicles of energy, but living flames dancing around an unseen center.

In the midst of this cosmic fire was a huge entity, a being made entirely of light and heat. She was in a state of metamorphosis, and around her other smaller forms vibrated like immortal fires, preparing to be born.

“I am the Fire of the Immortals,” a deep voice rang out, with a power that seemed to tear through the air and burn through every dimension. “I existed before the formation of your Multiverse, hidden in the heart of creation. Now my rebirth is inevitable.”

MaRa and Costelor immediately felt the immense power of this entity. He was not like the Shadow, who sought stagnation and freeze. The Fire of the Immortals was the opposite—it was a force that burned everything in its path, an energy that knew no bounds in its desire for expansion.

"Your revival?" MaRa asked, trying to understand the nature of this entity. "What are you looking to do?"

The Fire Immortal laughed and the flames around him intensified. "I am the primordial fire, the spark from which it all began. Your cycle of creation and destruction would not exist without me. But now, the order you imposed has become too restrictive. It is time for my flames to flow free again, to consume and transform reality to their will.”

Costelor immediately understood the danger. "Do you want to destroy everything?"

"Not destruction," said Fire, calm and unruffled. "Transformation. Your creation is rigid, limited by rules and balances. I bring a complete rebirth, one that will not respect your cycle of collapse and rebirth. I am the eternal fire of change, and there is no order or chaos that can stop me.”

MaRa knew that if this entity were to unleash its power, the entire Multiverse could be consumed in a sea of ​​fire, and the cycles they watched over would be wiped out. But unlike the Shadow, the Fire of the Immortals did not seek stagnation. He sought limitless expansion, a constant transformation that could not be controlled.

"We have to find a way to stop it," MaRa said, feeling the flames begin to affect the thongs around them. "If we let it run wild, there will be nothing left of what we know."

CosTelor looked around, looking for a solution. "The singularities. They are the only points in the Multiverse that can channel and dissipate energy of such magnitude. If we can redirect this energy to a singularity, we can merge it with the dynamic flow.”

But the Fire of the Immortals heard them. “Do you want to lock me up again? Do you want to limit my power? You will not succeed. My fire is immortal!”

The flames hardened and reality began to crack under its intensity. MaRa and Costelor knew their time was limited. They had to act fast. Channeling the energy of the surrounding strings, they attempted to bond with the nearest singularity, hoping they could redirect the fire towards it.

But the Fire was stronger than they had anticipated. "You won't make it! I am the spark from which everything was born. Any attempt to suppress me will only fuel my flames.”

However, MaRa and CosTelor did not give up. Focusing on the fine resonance of the strings, they had created a temporary bridge between the Fire of the Immortals and the nearby singularity. The flames that once threatened to consume everything began to be absorbed, drawn by the intense gravity of the singularity.

"Not!" Fire roared, feeling his energy being pulled into the vortex created by the singularity. "I am the fire that should liberate the Multiverse, not be consumed by it!"

MaRa and Costelor continue to focus, redirecting energy towards the singularity. Finally, the flames that threatened to destroy everything dissipated in the created vortex, and the Fire of the Immortals was absorbed, leaving behind an intense silence.

* * *

Breathing heavily, MaRa and Costelor watched as the thongs returned to their normal state. The fire of the Immortals had been stopped, but MaRa knew that this was not a final victory.

"He'll be back," she said. “It is a fundamental part of creation, just like the Shadow. The fire of rebirth and change cannot be extinguished.”

CosTelor approves. “Yes, but I've learned that we can channel this energy, that we can guide change without it becoming a destructive force. We will always have to be ready."

Thus they had returned to their role as Guardians of Dynamic Creation, aware that their fragile balance could be threatened not only by stagnation, but also by forces that sought to transform everything without limit. But in the midst of this chaos, MaRa and CosTelor knew they had the power to guide the Multiverse through fire and shadow, preserving the fragile harmony between cyclicity and transformation.

But somewhere, deep within the singularity that had swallowed the fire, a spark still burned.


  • Born on January 31, 1978, in Bucharest. Diplomate engineer of the "Politehnica" University of Bucharest, Department of Engineering Sciences, Francophone Branch, Electrical Division, specialization "Electrical and computer engineering" (courses in French), in-depth studies in the field of electrical engineering at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in Switzerland ( courses in French and English), postgraduate specialization in pedagogy at the Department for the Training of Teaching Staff of the "Politehnica" University in Bucharest. Doctor of engineering with the qualification "very good" (magna cum laude) in the field of electrical engineering of the "Politehnica" University of Bucharest, Faculty of Electrical Engineering. University teaching staff (preparator, assistant, head of works) for 21 years at the Faculty of Energy, "Politehnica" University of Bucharest and member of the Commission for the Development of Creativity within the Romanian Academy of Scientists (AOSR). Advisor to the Ministry of Education, the National Center for the Recognition and Equivalence of Diplomas since 2007. Member of the General Association of Romanian Engineers (AGIR), of the Association "Scientific Society ICPE" (SS ICPE), of the Center for Sciences, Prospective, Creativity and Fiction (StrING Center) and volunteer within the TROM project.

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